Searching for "banks" is easy to be loaned by online loans? Internet finance companies deliberately rub brands.

  Some experts pointed out that there are many advertisements of Internet finance companies when searching for banks such as official website and official website. A more important reason is that Internet finance companies deliberately scratch the ball and rub brands. "Because these flows were originally intended to search for standardized institutions such as banks and financial management official website, they were searched by the search engine ‘ Drainage ’ To these internet finance companies, and such customers are more targeted. At the same time, this operation has a strong concealment, that is, borrowing the authority and authenticity of banks and financial management official website is far better than advertising in other channels. "

  Mr. Li recently entered "Bank of Communications" on the mobile phone 360 search, only to find that the top few advertisements were not official website, but some P2P companies, financial companies and credit card intermediaries, and the fourth one was official website, the Bank of Communications. While searching for "Bank of Communications" on the computer, the P2P company disappeared, but official website, the Bank of Communications, also hid behind his own credit card advertisement.

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter found that when searching for keywords of financial management types such as Bank official website, "China Wealth Management Network" under the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and "rate of return" and "fund" on some search websites, most of the top rankings are advertisements of some online loan companies or stock recommendation websites; In sogou search’s top results, even irregular gambling websites appeared. More interestingly, the mobile phone search results are inconsistent with the computer search results, and there are more advertising components in the mobile phone search results.


  Searching for "bank" will advertise first and then go out of official website.

  Taking four major banks and seven major commercial banks as examples, the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that when searching for "Bank of Communications" with 360 on the computer web page, the first two channels that appeared were Bank of Communications credit card application channels, and the first one was also marked with "official website". Click to enter the "official website", that is, enter the credit card homepage of Bank of Communications, and users can apply for a credit card online. However, the home page of Bank of Communications in official website cannot be accessed from the home page of the credit card. In the lower right corner of these two search results, they are marked with "advertising" in small gray letters.

  The third search result is "About Bank of Communications, I recommend more high-quality results for you", and there is a green word "recommendation" on the left; Click to enter, and you will enter another "360-Point Eye" website similar to search. All the results displayed in this page are advertisements, ranging from wealth management websites to P2P companies, from small loan companies to the credit card homepage of Bank of Communications, totaling more than ten advertisements. According to the query, "360 finishing touch" is an integrated marketing platform for advertising display of 360. official website shows that its search and promotion is a marketing product based on 360 search platform, which matches the search words of netizens and locates the target users through 360 unique matching technology, so as to accurately display the promotion information of enterprises. The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that searching for "Bank of Communications" and "China Merchants Bank" in 360 will display "360 finishing touches" marketing products in the top results; Other banks will not have relevant results.

  Searching for CITIC Bank and Bank of Communications in Baidu, the first two are also the official credit card application websites of the bank, and the third one is the bank official website; Other banks will directly show the bank official website in the first article.

  In the experiment, the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that there were no similar advertisements in the four major banks such as China Industrial and Commercial Bank, China Construction Bank, China Bank and China Agricultural Bank. Baidu Search, 360 Search, sogou search, Bing, etc. will directly display the bank official website in the first result.

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  Using keywords such as "financial management" is also an advertisement.

  In addition to bank official website, typing keywords such as "China Wealth Management Network", "Monetary Fund", "Rate of Return" and "Wealth Management" on the search website will also lead to advertising results recommended by many online loan companies and stocks, while the real official website is ranked behind. If you search for "money fund" on sogou search, the first five items that appear are advertisements of online loan companies; Search "China Wealth Management Network" on 360 search, and the top five are advertisements of online loan companies. Although these websites are marked with the word "advertisement" in small print in the lower right corner, it is still misleading to write the word "official website" in big print on some advertisements. In fact, China Wealth Management Network is a national banking wealth management product information disclosure website agreed by China Banking Regulatory Commission, not a website of online loan companies.

  Searching for "rate of return" on Bing, the first three items are all marked as advertisements, including the results of "official compass indicator software download", "rate of return today’s stock review" and "stock analysis of deposit reserve ratio", all of which are stock recommendation websites.


  Searching for "funds" jumps out of illegal gambling websites.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily also found that some search websites searched for investment-related words, and even the gambling websites were hidden in the top advertisements. For example, if you search for "fund" on sogou search, there are two advertisements in the top ranking, which respectively read "2018 fund net value, if you understand it, you will earn it!" And "Top Ten Investment Networks in 2018, Low Threshold, Investment Networks". Click the first item and jump to the website with the address of "". The website appears in the form of a blog, and the top is marked with "The website has been truly verified" in red font; Under an advertising article, the form of "micro-investment" is introduced, claiming that "the monthly income is 500,000", and the WeChat QR code and micro-signal are attached.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily scanned the personal QR code of WeChat, and the lady named "Lan Lan" began to introduce the "method of making money" to the reporter of Beiqing Daily. She said: "We mainly make money by betting on lottery tickets. According to the plan software we provide, the winning rate can be as high as 70-80%." Subsequently, "Lan Lan" guided the reporters of Beiqing Daily to register on a gambling website step by step, and pulled the reporters of Beiqing Daily into an exchange group called "Net Earning 678 Exchange Group". When "Lanlan" urged the recharge, the reporter of Beiqing Daily expressed doubts about its regularity and authenticity; The other party claimed that the lottery they operated was the official "PK10" of Beijing Welfare Lottery, and it was a regular lottery.

  However, the reporter of Beiqing Daily then called Beijing Welfare Lottery Center, and the customer service staff said, "It’s fake. At present, you can’t buy lottery online, and PK10 can only buy lottery in the betting site."

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  Mobile phones search for more advertisements than computers.

  Interestingly, the results of searching by mobile phone are quite different from those of searching by computer. In the 360 mobile phone search, search for "Bank of Communications", and the first place in the results is an advertisement of a P2P company, "official website, the traffic credit card center, can apply for free and quickly, and can lend money as quickly as 30 minutes … …” Article 2 is an advertisement on the front page of Bank of Communications’ credit card, article 3 is an advertisement of another Internet finance company, and article 4 is official website of Bank of Communications.

  With sogou search Minsheng Bank, the first item on the computer side is "China Minsheng Bank official website"; On the mobile phone side, the first article is the Sogou Encyclopedia of Minsheng Bank, and the following 50 results do not show official website of Minsheng Bank. The only contents related to official website are "points center" and "credit card center", and the rest of the results include the download of Minsheng Bank APP, related news, sogou’s question, stock market and so on.

  At present, the search software has more advertisements on the mobile phone. If you search for "Bank of Communications" in Baidu, all the contents of the homepage are related to Bank of Communications, and the first two advertisements are also from the Bank of Communications Credit Card Center; When searching for "Bank of Communications" on mobile phone Baidu, the first item shows the Bank of Communications credit card, and the second result is "other businesses related to this industry", which includes advertisements of other Internet finance companies.

  However, the search results on the mobile phone are more accurate than those on the computer. Several major search websites include the map function in the first few search results. The reporter of Beiqing Daily used Bing computer to search for "China Construction Bank" in Beijing, and the results were all the outlet addresses of China Construction Bank in Changchun City, Jilin Province; On the mobile phone side, you can accurately locate the outlets of China Construction Bank in Beijing. This is because the built-in GPS of the mobile phone is more accurate than the IP address of the computer.


  Internet finance companies deliberately "rub brands"

  According to insiders, the reason why advertisements will appear when searching for some keywords such as banks is that the search website has opened these keywords as advertisements. When users search for these keywords such as "XX Bank", the corresponding advertisements will be displayed; If the keyword is purchased by multiple advertisers, it will be displayed according to the principle of bidding ranking. Every time a user clicks on a display advertisement on a search website, the advertiser needs to pay the corresponding fee to the search website according to the bid.

  Pan Helin, a postdoctoral fellow in applied economics at the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Science, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that many advertisements of Internet finance companies will appear on search websites, such as official website, official website, etc. Apart from the reasons that these Internet finance companies rely on the drainage of search websites and have few channels to obtain customers, a more important reason is that Internet finance companies deliberately scratch the ball and rub brands. "Because these flows were originally intended to search for formal institutions such as banks and wealth management official website, they were searched by the search engine ‘ Drainage ’ To these internet finance companies, and such customers are more targeted. At the same time, this operation has a strong concealment, that is, borrowing the authority and authenticity of banks and financial management official website is far better than advertising in other channels. "

  Regarding whether the results returned by the mobile phone search are consistent with those returned by the computer, Internet analyst Zhang Jiangjian told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it mainly depends on whether the search engine has different algorithms for different terminal devices. If the returned search results are basically the same, there are more advertisements in the mobile phone search results, which means that the search engine service providers have made more keyword advertisements for mobile search, which will greatly reduce the user experience and increase the difficulty for users to find information.

  Text/reporter Wen Wei