It’s about you! From tomorrow, these new rules will affect your life!

  CCTV News:On July 1, a number of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented. These include: the state establishes a rehabilitation and assistance system for disabled children; Buying commercial health insurance can deduct a tax; Implement the full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places, loss reporting and lost claim; Apps with non-basic functions of mobile phones should ensure that they can be uninstalled; The "Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales" explicitly prohibits raising the price of cars; Learning Chinese medicine by learning from the teacher, you can obtain the qualification of Chinese medicine doctor after recommendation and examination.

  The state establishes a rehabilitation and assistance system for disabled children.


  The Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons shall come into force on July 1, 2017. The regulations are clear:

  The state establishes a rehabilitation assistance system for disabled children, and gradually realizes that children with vision, hearing, speech, limbs, intelligence and other disabilities and autistic children aged 0-6 years old can receive free services such as surgery, assistive devices and rehabilitation training;

  Improve the nursing subsidy system for severely disabled people;

  Through the implementation of key rehabilitation projects, we will provide basic rehabilitation services for poor and severely disabled people in urban and rural areas.

  Buying commercial health insurance can deduct a tax.

  The Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued a notice to promote the pilot policy of individual income tax for commercial health insurance to be implemented nationwide from July 1, 2017. It is clear in the notice that the expenses of individuals purchasing commercial health insurance products that meet the requirements are allowed to be deducted before tax when calculating the taxable income in the current year (month), and the deduction limit is 2,400 yuan/year (200 yuan/month).

  Take the monthly salary of 5,000 yuan as an example. In the past, the monthly tax payable was (5,000-3,500) x 3% = 45 yuan. After purchasing commercial health insurance, the tax payable was (5,000-3,700) x 3% = 39 yuan. In summary, 6 yuan is paid less every month, and 72 yuan is paid less in one year.

  Full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places, loss reporting and lost claim.

  The Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security issued at the end of 2015 on Establishing the System of Receiving and Reporting the Loss of Resident Identity Cards in Different Places clearly pointed out that on July 1, 2017, the work of receiving and reporting the loss of resident identity cards in different places and collecting the lost identity cards will be fully implemented.

  (1) I apply to the public security organ’s resident ID card acceptance point in my place of residence, fill in the Registration Form for Resident ID Card Acceptance in Different Places, and pay the certificate fee.

  (2) After accepting an application at a different place, the acceptance information will be transmitted to the public security organ of the applicant’s domicile, and the county-level public security organ of the domicile will examine and issue it in time.

  (3) The public security organ in the place of residence shall complete the production, verification and issuance within the statutory time limit after receiving the information on the certification issued after examination, and the applicant shall go to the acceptance point to collect the certificate with the receipt of the certification.

  A number of fees have been lowered, and ordinary passports have cost less in 40 yuan.

  The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to reduce some administrative fees, stipulating that from July 1, 2017, the fees for telecommunication network code number resource occupation, frequency occupation, citizen entry and exit certificate fees, motor vehicle driving license fees, temporary entry motor vehicle license plate and driving license fees, water and soil conservation compensation fees, pesticide actual (trial) inspection fees, integrated circuit layout design protection fees and other fees will be reduced.

  Among them, the standard for ordinary passports is reduced from 200 yuan to 160 yuan. The fee standard for travel permits to Hong Kong and Macao will be reduced from 50 yuan to 40 yuan per permit. In addition, the fees for travel permits to and from Hong Kong and Macao and those for travel permits to and from Taiwan have all been reduced.

  Apps with non-basic functions of mobile phones should ensure that the uninstallable apps cannot be bundled and promoted.

  The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Mobile Intelligent Terminal Application Software issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been implemented since July 1st.

  Manufacturers and Internet information service providers should ensure that mobile intelligent terminal application software can be uninstalled except basic function software.

  Without express and user’s consent, it is not allowed to collect and use user’s personal information, open application software, bundle and promote other application software, etc., which infringe on users’ legitimate rights and interests or endanger network security.

  The implementation of the "Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales" prohibits raising the price of cars.

  On July 1st, the Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales issued by the Ministry of Commerce was officially implemented. It is explicitly required that dealers shall not increase sales or charge extra fees beyond the list price.

  The method also makes it clear that suppliers and dealers should deliver the automobile factory certificate of domestic automobiles, the goods import certificate of imported automobiles and the inspection certificate of imported automobiles at the same time.

  The new regulations for new energy vehicles immediately stop production and sales when safety problems are discovered.

  The "Regulations on the Administration of New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers and Products Access" promulgated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall come into force on July 1, 2017.

  This regulation requires new energy vehicle manufacturers to have the design and development capabilities, production capabilities, product consistency assurance capabilities and product safety assurance capabilities necessary for the production of new energy vehicle products, and requires production enterprises to establish a monitoring platform for the operation safety status of new energy vehicle products. It is clear that if a production enterprise finds that there are serious problems such as safety of new energy automobile products, it should immediately stop the production and sales of related products and take measures for rectification.

  Learning Chinese medicine by learning from teachers can be qualified as a Chinese medicine doctor after being recommended and examined.

  The Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Traditional Chinese Medicine came into force on July 1, 2017. It is clear that if a Chinese medicine clinic is held, the name, address, scope of diagnosis and treatment and staffing of the clinic can be reported to the competent department of Chinese medicine of the local people’s government at the county level for the record before practicing activities can be carried out.

  The law also makes it clear that those who study Chinese medicine by way of apprenticeship or who have acquired expertise in medical skills after years of practice can be recommended by at least two Chinese medicine doctors and qualified by the competent departments of Chinese medicine of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

  Ordinary investors in securities and futures receive special protection.

  The Measures for the Administration of the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors was formally implemented on July 1st. This method divides investors into ordinary investors and professional investors according to their basic situation, financial status, investment knowledge and experience, investment objectives, risk preference and other factors. The measures stipulate that ordinary investors enjoy special protection in terms of information notification, risk warning and appropriate matching.

  If investors voluntarily request to buy products with a risk level higher than their risk tolerance, after special risk warning procedures, operating institutions can still sell products to them, and investors’ right to buy and sell stocks will not be affected.

  Internet map service providers should protect personal information.

  The newly revised Surveying and Mapping Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) shall come into force on July 1, 2017. It is clear that Internet map service providers should use maps that have been examined and approved according to law, establish a map data security management system, strengthen the verification of new contents of Internet maps, and improve service quality. Units that produce and use geographic information and Internet map service providers shall abide by the provisions of laws and administrative regulations on the protection of personal information when collecting and using users’ personal information.

  The VAT rate of taxpayers selling or importing agricultural products and books is reduced.

  The Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China announced that the value-added tax rate would be reduced from four grades to three grades, and the 13% value-added tax rate would be abolished. From July 1st, taxpayers selling or importing agricultural products (including grain), edible salt, books, newspapers, magazines, audio-visual products and electronic publications will be eligible for a lower VAT rate of 11%.

  Announcement of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China on Simplifying the Procedures for Handling Tax Administrative Licensing Matters shall come into force on July 1, 2017.

  The announcement clarified five measures to degenerate and optimize the procedures for handling tax administrative licensing matters, including simplifying the acceptance of documents, providing agency forwarding services, simplifying application materials, realizing the appointment of consulting services, and improving the delivery methods of documents. The tax authorities can obtain part of the taxpayer’s license and approval document information, such as industrial and commercial registration information, through government information sharing. Therefore, the announcement cancels the requirements for submitting the above licenses and approval documents in the application materials for tax administrative license, thus avoiding repeated submission of materials.