Did you find "getting shorter" at the beginning of school? Doctor: If you miss the golden period of spring, the gap may be even bigger.

Chao news client reporter Yan Xue correspondent Xin Xuan
In the past two days, primary and secondary schools in various places have started school one after another. Many parents have made dynamic celebrations for "the return of the beast to the cage", but some parents have new "troubles".
Ms. Liu (pseudonym) in Hangzhou noticed that her second-grade children were actually "short"? Last semester, the child was obviously of medium height in the class, so how did he sit in the first and second rows this semester!
In fact, this kind of situation is not uncommon. Dr. Wang Suli, a pediatrician in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Xinhua Hospital of Zhejiang Province), said that each child’s development speed and time are different, which are influenced by many factors such as heredity, nutrition, exercise, sleep and psychological status.
In addition, holidays provide precious time for children to rest and relax. However, if children "fly themselves" excessively, have irregular work and rest, stay up late frequently, eat too much junk food, and do not exercise during holidays, these bad habits may have a negative impact on their growth and development.
Image source: vision china
Spring-promoting stickers help children
Eat well, sleep well and grow tall.
With the coming of spring, bacterial viruses have become active, and infectious diseases such as influenza and norovirus in spring are still in a high incidence period. In addition to developing good hygiene habits, it is also important for children and adolescents to improve their immunity.
At the same time, spring is also the golden age for children’s growth and development. Studies have confirmed that March to May every year is the accelerated period of children’s height growth.
In this critical period, parents should not only ensure their children’s balanced nutrition, adequate sleep and take their children to do some outdoor sports, but also rely on the power of Chinese medicine. "spleen-invigorating paste" is a good prescription for children! It is especially suitable for children with poor physique and substandard height and weight.
"After posting it for three or four times, the child’s appetite is obviously better, and he will be hungry and take the initiative to eat, sometimes eating more than me." Last spring, after Mr. Zhang (a pseudonym) took his son to the hospital pediatrics department to receive the "spleen-invigorating patch", the change of the child made the family happy. According to the doctor’s instructions, with adequate sleep and vertical movements such as skipping rope, touching height and shooting, the child’s height is much higher than that of the previous year.
In addition to eating, children’s sleep problems also really make parents "headache." Wang Suli said that she had received feedback from many parents in the outpatient clinic. After putting on the "spleen-invigorating paste", the children’s sleep quality was significantly improved, and this change also had a positive impact on their growth and development.
Image source: vision china
Spleen-activating patch can not only "encourage"
These situations also apply.
1, the height growth is slow or the height is lower than the average height of children of the same age;
2, light weight, anorexia, picky eaters, poor appetite;
3, cold or careless diet is easy to diarrhea and abdominal pain;
4. Enuresis, frequent urination or other diseases accompanied by growth retardation;
5, irritable personality, difficulty falling asleep or unstable sleep.
Except for those whose height growth is slow or whose height is lower than the average height of children of the same age, children and adolescents with the above symptoms can try.
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