Zhejiang University recruits "security posts": Master’s English must pass CET-6.

  Master degree or above;

  CET-6 or above (or TOEFL score above 80, IELTS score above 5.5);

  Good physical fitness, hard-working.

  What do you think of at the first time when you see such a job requirement?

  I believe that I can’t think of it anyway. This is a recruitment for a security post.

  Yesterday, when the reporter saw this recruitment requirement, his eyes also widened — — Zhejiang University announced the recruitment notice for Party and government management positions in 2016, and 48 positions were vacant. Among so many positions, the most striking one is a "security post" that requires a master’s degree or above, with a total of four places.

  Many Zhejiang University students forwarded this recruitment notice in the circle of friends, and many people started the self-deprecating mode: the background of Zhejiang University undergraduate course for four years was not even qualified to apply for the "doorman" of their alma mater.

  The security guard post recruited this time

  The annual salary is about 100,000 yuan

  The reporter found that among the 48 positions, except for the engineering construction management post of the Capital Construction Department, there is no requirement for foreign languages, and all others require a master’s degree or above and CET-6 or above. Many positions also require graduates from 211 and 985 colleges and universities.

  All positions must first take a written test organized by the school, and the written test subject is "Writing and Comprehensive Application Ability", and then conduct two rounds of interviews.

  Compared with graduate education management, scientific research and foreign affairs management, network information construction management and other recruitment positions, why does this security post also need a master’s degree or above?

  Yesterday, Chen Wei, director of the security department of Zhejiang University, told the reporter that every time Zhejiang University recruits, the school personnel department will set an overall minimum application standard, and each department will adjust it according to its own needs, and the requirements for security posts are already low.

  "Master degree or above, we have used this requirement for several years".

  He is a master himself, and he studied engineering in that year.

  Teacher Zhang from the Personnel Department of Zhejiang University revealed that two people were recruited for this position last year, and dozens of people signed up at that time. Compared with other positions, there are fewer graduates from prestigious schools, and most of them graduated from ordinary universities with master’s degrees.

  Coincidentally, Hangzhou Business School of Zhejiang Gongshang University released the recruitment notice for talents in the winter of 2016 yesterday. The comprehensive management post of the security department also requires a master’s degree or above, and public security, public security and criminal investigation are preferred.

  Last year, the requirements set by the Security Department of Sichuan University were even higher. Only a doctor’s degree or a master’s degree in security and fire protection can apply for security posts. At that time, the school said that the development and maintenance of the school’s "Skynet" system and fire remote monitoring all needed high-tech talents in electronic information technology.

  Security also requires a postgraduate degree. Is this high requirement the legendary "academic worship"?

  Chen Wei explained in detail that all the positions recruited by Zhejiang University this time are management posts, and so are the security posts, which are mainly responsible for the school’s public security, safety education, fire safety, etc., and require high professional knowledge, and are not ordinary security guards in people’s impressions.

  The security post recruited this time has an annual salary of about 100,000 yuan.

  Listen to the radio and practice listening.

  English communication between security personnel and international students

  What is a security post? Can high education and English come in handy?

  The reporter specially interviewed one of them.

  Qiu Gang applied for the security post last year. He holds a master’s degree in physical education and training from Zhejiang Normal University, and worked in Shanghai Public Security Bureau for four years before.

  After coming to Zhejiang University for more than half a year, he mainly worked in the comprehensive management office.

  The first is accident handling.

  For example, if a student loses his wallet, his bicycle is missing, and there is a traffic accident on campus, he will rush to the scene to deal with it at the first time. He said that compared with social disputes, the quality of Zhejiang University students is generally higher, and it is smoother to deal with campus accidents.

  Secondly, fire fighting is another important task of security work. Qiu Gang participated in two laboratory fire inspections, mainly to check the dangerous and highly toxic substances in large and small laboratories of the school, and to eliminate fire hazards.

  Thirdly, when it comes to orientation, exams and other nodes, Qiu Gang and others will also organize school guards to maintain order and allocate manpower.

  Chen Wei said that this security post often needs to deal with people, so he will pay special attention to the communication and coordination skills of candidates during the interview.

  Although English is not the working language of security guards, they often need it. The most common situation is that foreign students from Zhejiang University call the police for help.

  Qiu Gang said that he handled several incidents related to international students last month. Generally speaking, there is no problem in communicating with students from English-speaking countries, but some students from non-English-speaking countries are not very good at English, and sometimes they encounter some troubles.

  Qiu Gang’s CET-6 is "drifting at low altitude" and just crossed the line. In order to improve his listening and speaking, he listens to English radio every day when he goes to work by bus.

  Well, English is really important.

  On the campus of Zhejiang University, you can often see security guards patrolling around, as well as guards and doormen at the school gate and teaching building. These are members of the school guard of Zhejiang University. The five campuses add up to hundreds of people, and the recruitment by cooperative security companies is not within the scope of this recruitment.

  Chen Wei revealed that there are now less than 50 formal security personnel in Zhejiang University, of which 85% are men and 15% are women.

  What is the staff level of the security guard post of Zhejiang University? The reporter chatted with Qiu Gang in English yesterday, simulating "calling for help". The reporter played an international student from Zhejiang University.

  — — Hello, is this the campus police?

  — — Yes, what’s wrong with you?

  — — I had a traffic accident on my way to the canteen, and a bicycle knocked me down.

  — — Are you hurt? I’ll send a patrol right away.

  — — I think I sprained my ankle. How soon can you arrive? What else should I do?

  — — Please tell me your student number, grade and major. Thank you. We have informed the police and 120, please be patient.