The TV series "Lovely China": A Typical Image of Sticking to Revolutionary Belief

  The picture shows the stills of the TV series "Lovely China".

  The picture shows the stills of the TV series "Lovely China".

  At present, the theme education of "Do not forget your initiative mind, Remember Mission" is being carried out throughout the Party. The TV series "Lovely China" about the revolutionary course of Fang Zhimin, the founder of the Red Tenth Army, was broadcast on CCTV. The drama focused on the last ten years of Fang Zhimin’s life, and told about his selfless dedication to the cause of China people’s liberation until he gave his precious life. With its profound thoughts, exquisite art and excellent production, the play has infected the vast audience and can be called a vivid teaching material for this theme education.

  — — Editor

  Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary struggle experience, as well as his works such as Lovely China and Poverty in prison, are precious spiritual wealth for future generations. With the passage of time, all this has not faded, but radiated more brilliant brilliance. This is the important reason why the TV series "Lovely China", which is based on Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary struggle experience, can have a strong influence.

  How to tell the story of Fang Zhimin well is quite a test of artists’ creative talents. The story of the play is unfolded in flashback instead of plain narration. First, after the founding of New China, Fang Zhimin’s manuscripts preserved by Lu Xun and Xu Guangping were delivered to Chairman Mao Zedong, who asked Jiangxi to find Fang Zhimin’s remains with great affection. When people finally found and confirmed Fang Zhimin’s skeleton in the suburb of Nanchang, the audience was brought into an atmosphere of infinite sadness, sadness and admiration.

  According to this, the TV series brings the camera back to the era of blood shed’s Great Revolution, and according to the method of chronicles, it reflects Fang Zhimin’s unswerving adherence to revolutionary beliefs and fully shows the firm belief and heroic spirit of proletarian revolutionaries. He first served as a minister of farmers in Nanchang, vigorously carried out the peasant movement, and bravely supported the Northern Expeditionary Army to break through Nanchang City guarded by warlords. Later, under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he actively carried out the peasant movement, took the road of seizing power by armed forces, launched peasant riots in Yiyang and Hengfeng, established Xinjiang base areas and northeast Jiangxi base areas, and formed revolutionary armed forces such as the Red Tenth Army, the Red Eleventh Army and the New Red Tenth Army. At the critical juncture when the armed struggle situation was extremely unfavorable, he led the Central Red Army to go north to resist Japan, so that he was outnumbered on the way to the war and was betrayed by traitors and unfortunately arrested. In Nanchang prison, he was unmoved by the threats and inducements of the Kuomintang reactionaries headed by Chiang Kai-shek, and continued his unremitting and uncompromising struggle. Finally, together with his comrades-in-arms Liu Chouxi and Wang Ruchi, he died bravely and righteously.

  The TV series "The Lovely China" spans ten years from 1926 to 1935, which shows the most glorious and representative revolutionary course in Fang Zhimin’s life. On the premise of trying to outline and describe the broad historical background and major historical events, the play takes Fang Zhimin’s experience and contribution as the main line, and with large space, vivid details and full passion, it reproduces Fang Zhimin’s arduous struggle against the reactionary forces with outstanding courage, extraordinary insight and rich revolutionary practical experience. Fang Zhimin was well aware of the wishes and demands of the laboring masses. In the complicated struggle, he not only showed the revolutionary principle, but also had valuable flexibility, which was supported and loved by the broad masses of people, dealt a heavy blow to the Kuomintang reactionaries and made the development of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi base areas surging. Fang Zhimin’s practice of exploring the revolutionary road has accumulated very valuable struggle experience, and established a Soviet government in which the people are masters of their own affairs, which was highly praised by Comrade Mao Zedong and praised as "Fang Zhimin-style base area".

  The TV series "Lovely China" has a clear narrative context and twists and turns, which reflects the intricacy and cruelty of the revolutionary struggle at that time, thus making the play very ornamental and attractive. At the same time, the local struggle led by Fang Zhimin is observed in the general trend of China revolution, and described in the critical background of the development of the situation in the Central Soviet Area, showing its extraordinary strategy, overall concept and integrity as a proletarian revolutionary. In particular, it showed that under the same great pressure in Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi base areas, it still obeyed orders and sent the main forces such as the Red Tenth Army to rescue the Central Red Army, which won sincere praise from central leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, thus, together with the positive reflection of Fang Zhimin’s main plot, today’s audience can understand Fang Zhimin’s great role in China’s revolutionary struggle more comprehensively, clearly and accurately.

  The drama successfully shaped the image of Fang Zhimin, focusing on his outstanding style of perseverance, wit and courage in the revolutionary struggle and taking care of the overall situation; Profoundly reveal his passion for the people, calm and restrained, elegant and prudent; Vividly reflect its strong personality of perseverance, hatred of evil and never compromise. In a long prison scene in the play, Fang Zhimin suffered both physical and mental torture, but his persistence and persistence in communist party people’s faith made the audience cry. The indelible spiritual legacy he left in a special way has the appeal of traveling through time and space. Jungle, the actor who plays Fang Zhimin, strives to be accurate, delicate and tepid in his performance. He not only looks more like a spirit, but also shows a strong artistic appeal, and has created a rare and successful image of revolutionary martyrs on TV screens in recent years.

  As a biographical TV series, due to the needs of artistic creation, there are many fictional elements in the drama on the basis of documentary, but its reflection, grasp and shaping of historical processes, events and characters are true, accurate and credible. Great efforts have also been made in shooting and production, presenting a profound, exquisite and exquisite artwork, which can be called a successful and complete TV masterpiece about Fang Zhimin’s major revolutionary struggles. Watching this play can make people in communist party and the audience know clearly how the happy life today is hard-won, and have a relatively full and vivid understanding and understanding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people, represented by Fang Zhimin, who have made important contributions and made great sacrifices for the China revolution. In this sense, the TV series "Lovely China" can be a vivid teaching material for China’s revolutionary history education.

  Cartography: Cai Huawei