Shanghai: If "community group buying" is found to have illegal acts, it will be dealt with quickly and strictly

  On April 13, the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Information Office held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control.  

  A reporter asked: We have noticed that the market supervision department has issued a "community group buying" price behavior reminder letter. How will it supervise the price gouging in "group buying", as well as the shortage of catties and the quality of dishes?

  Peng Wenhao, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, said that since the epidemic prevention and control, "community group buying" has become the main way to ensure the supply of citizens’ living materials during the closure and control period, which has played an important role in ensuring people’s livelihood and alleviating the problem of "difficulty in buying vegetables". We support community group buying carried out in accordance with the law.

  In order to further regulate the price behavior of "community group buying", recently, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau formulated and issued the "Reminder Letter on Regulating the Price Behavior of" Community Group Buying "during the period of epidemic prevention and control" based on the relatively concentrated feedback from citizens, reminding relevant organizers and operators that in carrying out "community group buying", they should provide consumers with reasonably priced goods according to operating costs, and must not disrupt the market price order; they should clearly mark prices in accordance with regulations, and publicize information such as product names, quantities, specifications and prices; they should optimize organizational management, provide consumers with after-sales services, and effectively safeguard the rights and interests of consumers.

  Taking this opportunity, it is recommended that consumers pay attention to the selection of goods provided by regular guarantee units when group buying. The focus can be paid attention to the following three aspects: including whether the specific information of group buying goods is clearly marked; whether there is a clear way to deal with problems such as missed delivery and wrong delivery; whether to provide contacts and contact information. At the same time, pay attention to keeping records of group buying goods, screenshots of communication with relevant operators, etc., so as to use relevant evidence when safeguarding rights, and also facilitate subsequent verification and disposal by market supervision departments.

  In response to objective reasons in community group buying, package product adjustment, delayed delivery, etc., we also remind the majority of operators to inform consumers of the relevant situation in a timely and comprehensive manner, and properly handle the legitimate and reasonable demands of consumers such as refunds.

  In the next step, the market supervision department will continue to strengthen the supervision and law enforcement of price behavior of operators. In particular, if individual price violations such as price gouging and hoarding are carried out under the guise of group buying, we will investigate and punish them according to law.

  If citizens find suspected violations of consumer rights and interests, please call 12315 or 12345 to report, and the market supervision department will conduct an investigation in a timely manner. If illegal acts are found to exist, they will be dealt with promptly, strictly, and severely.