The men’s basketball team won the World Cup, the men’s soccer team lost to Japan 4-1, and the German men’s soccer team was beaten by the men’s basketball team?

Source: Global Times

[Special correspondent of Global Times in Germany, Aoki, Special correspondent of Global Times, Li Jiayin] "This victory has eliminated some haze of the host of the 2024 European Championship." The Associated Press commented on the recent victory of the German men’s soccer team. On the 12th, the German team defeated the French team 2-1 in a friendly match, and goalkeeper Andrei Ter stegen said: "Now is the most difficult day for the team. We have proved that we can turn things around through victory. This victory has given us confidence." The "hardship" in stegen’s mouth not only refers to the fact that the team just lost its head coach, but also is an evaluation of the German football environment. "A victory and a tragedy were staged at the same time-the German national basketball team won the World Cup, and this achievement was sensational enough. But on the other hand, German men’s football coach Hans fleek left after being defeated by the Japanese team. " The evaluation of German "Daily Mirror" represents the views of mainstream German media, which has aroused public concern about the different fates of Germany’s "two big balls".

"Unbelievable shame"

The decision to fire fleek was widely welcomed, but the timing of the announcement by the German Football Association angered many people. According to the US "TA" website, German sports have recently gained a series of disappointing achievements-German men’s and women’s soccer teams failed to qualify for the World Cup group stage, and German track and field athletes failed to win medals at the Budapest World Championships. Against this background, the sensational victory of the men’s basketball team gave the German sports world a breathing space. However, the German Football Association also announced fleek’s class. Sports reporter Weinreich said: "For the German Football Association, this operation is an incredible shame. They should have announced it before the men’s basketball World Cup final, instead of distracting everyone when they celebrated winning the championship." Similar views are widely spread in the German public opinion field.

German men’s football coach Hans fleek, data map

As the host of the 2024 European Championship, German football is under great pressure. According to the website of Bavarian Football Factory in Germany, before the match against France, Gundogan admitted at a press conference that after learning that fleek was fired, the German team was in a mixed mood of sadness, frustration and disappointment. Fleek is always focused, active and energetic. Unfortunately, the German team failed to turn the advantages of the head coach into advantages. From the paper strength, Germany has a large number of outstanding talents, and most of the players play in the Champions League club. However, the team has never been able to solve the lineup problem-there is no suitable right striker and the defense line has been adjusted.

Constant adjustment and tossing became the "fuse" of fleek’s class. Fleek was successful in Bayern Munich. The formation of the team was very solid, and the best players were fixed in each position. Fleek made great efforts to establish effective communication with all the players and cultivate a united team culture together, so Bayern can keep winning. However, since he took over the German men’s soccer team, fleek’s working style has completely changed. He always seems to change his formation, adjust his tactics and try to use different players, making everything too complicated and the result is very bad.

"German virtue" was abandoned

After the failure of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 group match in 2022, the German Kicker claimed that the failure of German football originated from all levels, from the Football Association to the head coach. "Deutsche Welle" website said that the German team has no real center, and the number of people in the defense line changes frequently. fleek’s coaching has been criticized by many people. Reporter Jonathan Harding even said that the German team is no longer an elite team. In his view, the head coach is responsible for the failure of the German team, but the structure of German football, especially the youth training, is even more fatal.

The German Football Association has caused a heated debate on the reform of youth football. In order to stimulate the interest of primary school students in playing football, the German Football Association introduced a new standard of relative points in primary school. Little players don’t need to pay too much attention to goals and victories, but emphasize personal development. Hans Joachim Watzck, vice chairman of the German Football Association and CEO of Dortmund Club, expressed clear opposition to this: "If you don’t try to fail at the age of eight or nine, you will never find the strength to win. The new youth training method is completely wrong, but these people are still discussing games without goals. " Matthias sammer, a former German international, said in an interview with Sü ddeutsche Zeitung: "German football has given up the traditional’ German virtue’, that is, players are strong and strive for victory with outstanding performance in the game."

The secret of victory of German men’s basketball team

Compared with the men’s soccer teams in fleek and Germany, the German men’s basketball team and its Canadian head coach Gordon Herbert have set a new benchmark. Matthaeus, a famous German football player, said: "Look at the unity of the German basketball team and their head coach with great personality. Herbert’s control over the team surprised me very much." The website "Deutsche Welle" said that the German men’s basketball team won the championship by defeating the United States in the semi-final and Serbia in the final, and achieved great achievements that were once unimaginable.

The last time the German men’s basketball team reached the semi-finals of the World Cup was back in 2002. After winning the silver medal in the European Championship in 2005, the German men’s basketball team fell into a trough. Fei Molin, a former German men’s basketball player, said: "In the past, teams in the Bundesliga always had foreign aid (mainly), which resulted in the loss of two generations of German players. Now, the club pays more attention to providing opportunities for young local players, which is one of the reasons why we now have an excellent national team. "

With youth training as a guarantee, the German men’s basketball team began to pay attention to the long-term and sustainable team building. In 2021, Herbert took office. Under his leadership, the German men’s basketball team won the bronze medal in the European Championship in 2022. Fei Molin said that the secret of the success of the German men’s basketball team is to give the coaches and players trust and keep the team continuous. Among the players who won the bronze medal in the European Championship with Herbert last year, nine have set foot on this year’s World Cup. Herbert believes: "Without commitment, you can’t achieve your goals. Everyone always talks about achieving your goals, but first and foremost, everyone needs dedication and sacrifice. All players have made such commitments."

In this Men’s Basketball World Cup, Schroeder became the deserved leader of the German team, and his role was similar to Nowitzki’s. If Schroeder is not in good shape, how will the German men’s basketball team respond? In the game against Latvia, Schroeder felt cold, and he admitted after the game that "this was his worst game." But the Wagner brothers, Oberster and Timan stepped forward to help the team get through.

Fei Molin said that this is our best national team. Based on the continuous growth of reserve talents, Fei Molin is no longer worried about the obvious decline of the German men’s basketball team in the future. However, it may be a good choice for the German men’s soccer team, which is in the "head coach’s empty window", to return to the first-team teams and emulate the German men’s basketball team.