Yu Chengdong voiced: The automobile industry will be even bigger! BYD can survive and work closely with Huawei!

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  Since the beginning of this year, the domestic auto market has been "rolling", first at the beginning of the year.The price reduction led to the overall price reduction of electric vehicles, and then led to the sharp price reduction and promotion of fuel vehicles. However, this fierce market competition has just begun in the view of Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution.

  "In the future, the reshuffle of the automobile industry will be very tragic. The’ volume’ has just begun and will be even more in the future." On June 16th, Yu Chengdong made his latest speech at the 2023 Future Car Pioneer Conference.

  Yu Chengdong also predicted at the conference that only a few automobile manufacturers will survive in the next 5-10 years.It will become one of the few giants that can survive in the future. In the long run, manufacturers that work closely with Huawei can also survive and become a few survivors of this generation.

  The era of smart cars needs heavy asset investment.

  Yu Chengdong explained that the era of smart cars is not like the traditional era of fuel vehicles. In this era, car factories need heavy assets to support their sustainable development in the future. Therefore, the investment scale of car factories is very large. If the investment is not enough, it cannot support competition, and small and medium-sized players may not be able to keep up and become giants.

  Yu Chengdong introduced that Huawei’s annual direct R&D investment in the automotive field exceeds 10 billion yuan, excluding indirect R&D investment, of which 70%~80% is invested in the intelligent driving field, and intelligent cockpit, intelligent networking and intelligent vehicle control are also key areas for Huawei.

  "Intelligent driving is much more difficult than intelligent cockpit, because intelligent driving involves a lot.Things, so Huawei has made a huge investment in this respect. "Yu Chengdong said.

  "In the era of smart cars, Huawei adheres to the big technology of" soft and hard core cloud "to empower the development of automobiles. Therefore, Huawei uses the core technology of intelligent networked electric vehicles to help partners survive in the intelligent era. If they survive, they will become giants. Looking back at the past decade or so, in the era of smart phones, all mobile phone manufacturers in Europe, North America and Japan were swept away, although they were leaders in the era of functional machines. " Yu Chengdong said that in the long run, he believed that the manufacturers who worked closely with Huawei could survive and become the minority survivors of this generation.

  The future will be even bigger.

  Besides Huawei and the manufacturers that cooperate closely with Huawei, Yu Chengdong also believes that it will be one of the few giants that can survive in the future.

  "We are also very happy to see the success. It seems that it will become one of the few giants that can survive in the future. But other companies, companies that survive successfully now, no matter what their achievements this year, do not mean that they can survive in the future. In the future, the reshuffle of the automobile industry will be very, very fierce and the competition will be fierce. The’ volume’ has just begun and will be even more voluminous in the future. " Yu Chengdong said so at the conference.

  Interestingly, recently,Li Xiang, the founder, wrote that in the third quarter of 2022, the release and trading of M7 in the world directly crippled Li ONE. We have never met such a strong opponent, and for a long time, we have no strength to fight back. The super ability of HW (Huawei) directly caused the sales in Li ONE to collapse and stop production ahead of schedule, resulting in a loss of more than one billion in one quarter, and the team was crippled.

  It is pointed out that there will be three stages in the evolution of the automobile market. After the price war in the first stage from March to June this year, the second stage will be opened, and the market share will accelerate to the head.Brand concentration, the market share of second-and third-tier brands may face a long-term downward trend; In the third stage, some second-and third-tier brands are gradually eliminated and withdrawn from the China market, and the new forces of weak car-making may be acquired and integrated.

  Will "ask the world" become the unified trademark of Huawei’s smart car selection?

  At present, there are three main modes of cooperation between Huawei and car companies: one is sales standardization.Parts model of products; The second is the Huawei Inside mode (referred to as "HI mode") that provides full-stack smart car solutions; Third, deeply participate in product and vehicle design, and provide intelligent selection mode of sales network channels.

  In the smart car selection mode, Huawei currently hasFour partners, Chery Automobile and BAIC Group. Among them, AITO Jiejie is the first attempt of Huawei’s intelligent car selection model, which was jointly built by Huawei and. Over 100,000 new cars have been delivered in more than one year. At present, Jiejie has two models, M5 and M7 series.

  Yu Chengdong revealed at the conference that the next model M9 will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year, and it is confident that it will become the most popular in the whole market.The highest-end, most intelligent car.

  Previously, in April this year, Yu Chengdong revealed that as the flagship product of Huawei’s deep empowerment, Wenjie M9 will bring all the black technologies such as AI big model and sensor federation into the car, with a pre-sale price of 480,000-600,000 yuan.

  It is worth mentioning that recently, the countryAccording to the information of the Trademark Office of the Bureau, Huawei has successfully received a total of 21 trademarks from Beijing Yongan Shida Science and Trade Co., Ltd. Industry sources pointed out that after winning the trademark, the future "asking the world" will become the unified brand naming of products from different car manufacturers under the smart car selection mode.

  On June 9th, China Auto Chongqing Forum, Yu Chengdong also revealed that in the future, Huawei and Chery, Jianghuai, BAIC and other car manufacturers will jointly launch different models. For Huawei, a unified brand naming is very important, so in the future, we may be able to see the trademark of Wenjie on the models that Huawei cooperates with the above car companies.