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Today, New Year’s Day, the Year of the Ox is coming!

Xin Chou Niu nian

From February 12, 2021 to January 31, 2022,

A total of 354 days;

There is no leap month in the Year of the Ox, which is a normal year.

There are only 23 solar terms in the Year of the Ox …

This knowledge of the Year of the Ox,

Did you find out all about it?

Why do cows rank second in the zodiac?

Poke the map to understand


After reading these

Do you feel that you have increased your knowledge?

In addition to the above knowledge points,

And these questions that you might care about.




In Chinese traditional culture

Cow is a symbol of hard work.

Folk use "cattle" as the carrier.

Praise the lofty qualities of cattle, such as hard work and silent dedication.

To express the working people’s steadfast integrity, simplicity and kindness.

Perseverance and positive optimism.

Then why is steak the second in the zodiac?

Take you to find out today.

Version 1

Long ago, the Jade Emperor decided to choose twelve animals to represent the human zodiac and make them gods. The Jade Emperor ordered that on the specified day, the animals should be ranked in the order of their arrival in the Heavenly Palace, and only the top twelve who arrived first were taken.

At that time, the mouse and the cat were good friends and agreed to start together. However, the little mouse thought that many animals in the world are more beautiful than themselves, and they are also useful to human beings, so he should find a way to win the zodiac.

So, on the morning of the day when he was scheduled to go to the Heavenly Palace, the little mouse didn’t call the cat, but secretly jumped into the corner of the old cow and hid. The diligent old cow was the first to arrive at the gate of the Heavenly Palace. At dawn, the palace gate was just opened, and before the cow could lift its leg, the little mouse jumped down and went straight to the Heavenly Palace Hall. Although the jade emperor didn’t want to call this little mouse the zodiac, you didn’t joke, so he had to declare the mouse the first of the zodiac.

The cat waited at home for a long time, but there was no sign of the mouse. By the time it arrived at the Heavenly Palace, the zodiac was already full. From then on, cats hated mice and bit them as soon as they saw them. The mouse, on the other hand, feels a little sorry for his cat friend and runs away when he sees the cat.

There is a folk custom of worshipping the son god, because mice are fertile, and the ancients prayed for life reproduction and prosperity of future generations, so the fertility concept of worshiping the son mouse was born.

Version 2

In ancient times, cattle were the servants in front of the jade emperor’s palace, traveling between the heavenly palace and the earth. One day, the farmer sent a message to the Jade Emperor, saying that nothing grows on earth and the earth is bare, and asked the Jade Emperor to scatter some grass seeds to the world. Hearing this, the Jade Emperor asked His Highness who would like to sow grass on earth.

Niu Wang volunteered: "I am willing to go."

"You are careless, I’m afraid you can’t." The jade emperor said with trepidation.

"The Jade Emperor can rest assured that I can’t do this little thing well and I am willing to be punished."

The Jade Emperor agreed to Niu Wang’s request and told Niu Wang to take three steps to spread a handful of grass seeds after he came to earth.


The ox king had just stepped out of the worse gate with grass seeds. He accidentally fell down, and his mind was dizzy. He turned the jade emperor’s will upside down, and he threw three grass seeds in one step.

So, in the second year, there were so many weeds that farmers couldn’t grow crops at all. Knowing this, the Jade Emperor summoned Niu Wang to ask, only to know that the careless Niu Wang had done a bad thing.


The Jade Emperor was very angry when he learned about it, so the cow worked as a coolie for the farmer all his life and never stopped eating grass. Until today, its row of upper teeth has not yet grown out.

However, the cow is a good animal that changes once it is known. It is hardworking, diligent and practical, and has done a lot of work for farmers, winning people’s praise. When arranging the zodiac, people unanimously recommended him as the zodiac. If it weren’t for the speculative mouse hiding in the horn and winning the first prize, Niu Wang would definitely be the leader of the zodiac.

Version 3

Legend has it that one day, the Jade Emperor will arrange the zodiac, and he has designated cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs and cats. The Jade Emperor asked them to rank the next day. At that time, the cat and the mouse were good friends. The cat said to the mouse, "You should wake me up early tomorrow. I am one of the 12 zodiac animals, and I will rank second in heaven tomorrow." The mouse readily agreed. The next day, the mouse woke up early. He didn’t wake the cat, but went to heaven by himself.

At that time, it was just the time to rank second, because the cat didn’t come to the Jade Emperor, and the zodiac was arranged in the order of cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig and mouse. He asked the animals if they had a problem with the order. The mouse said, "I must rank first!" " "Why? Is your contribution greater than that of cattle? " "People think I’m much bigger than an ox." The Jade Emperor had no choice but to let people judge him. So the mouse came to the street and ran from the street. Everyone who saw the mouse shouted, "Big (hit) mouse, big (hit) mouse …" The Jade Emperor listened and put the mouse in the first place.

So new year’s day

What other customs and taboos are there?

Let’s have a look.

Festival custom

The first day firecrackers welcome the new year.


On the morning of the Spring Festival, when the door is opened, firecrackers are set off first, which is called "opening the door for firecrackers". After the sound of firecrackers, the ground is full of broken red, which is called "full house red" At this time, the streets are full of anger and joy.

pay New Year calls


Paying New Year greetings is a traditional folk custom in China, and it is a way for people to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and express their best wishes to each other. With the development of the times, the custom of New Year’s greetings is constantly adding new contents and forms. In addition to following the previous New Year’s greetings, etiquette telegrams, telephone calls, short messages, and online greetings have emerged.

During the epidemic, everyone should abide by the national regulations, and you can also convey your thoughts by telephone or video!

Drink Tu Su wine


Tu Su wine is a kind of wine that was drunk during the Spring Festival in ancient China, so it is also called Nianjiu. Drinking Tu Su wine can get rid of evil spirits, and everything will be new in the new year!

Holiday taboo

On the first day, if you don’t sweep the house, you won’t kill.


On the first day of the new year, cleaning houses and killing animals are taboo. Cleaning houses will sweep away the good luck of the year, and killing poultry cannot be done on the first day!

Immovable needle, thread, knife


Needle, thread and knife represent the right and wrong of tongue, which may indicate that there will be right and wrong of tongue in the next year, but in a year, it is estimated that anyone will have right and wrong of tongue with others. Another layer means that the children born to mothers will have very small minds, as small as needles.

Don’t say unlucky things.

New Year’s Day is the first day of the new year, and everyone especially respects such a day. On such a day, everyone is saying especially auspicious words, which indicates that the new year can be profitable and everything goes well. If anyone says something unlucky, it may herald a bad omen this year. If you accidentally say such a thing, spit it out quickly.

The Year of the Rat is very sad for most people.

Too much helplessness, too much regret.

Today is the first day of the Year of the Ox.

What’s past is prologue

There is no need to cry in the past, and there is no fear in the future.

May you and your family be healthy in the new year.

Please cherish yourself at all times.

Stay up less, get angry less, eat a good meal and sleep well.

Work and rest should be regular, as long as you are healthy

All good things are possible.


I wish you an optimistic attitude in the new year.

Interesting and hopeful, live up to your love.

The Year of the Ox moves forward together!

Sources of information: @ People’s Daily, Sichuan Education Publishing, China News Network.

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