Parallel Intelligence and Metauniverse

For the latest article on Professor Wang Feiyue’s Parallel Intelligence and Metauniverse, please see: Parallel Intelligence in Metauniverses: Welcome to Hanoi!

Citation format: Wang f y. parallel intelligence in metaverse: welcome to Hanoi! [J]. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2022, 37(1): 16-20.

Parallel Intelligence and Metauniverse

Feiyue Wang

Metauniverse: Conceptual Research and System Conception is a useful work on the exploration of Metauniverse, which is very helpful to stimulate everyone’s imagination of Metauniverse, which is the origin and essence of Metauniverse.

Since the second half of 2020, people have been asking me about metauniverse, especially the relationship between metauniverse and parallel intelligence. When Zuckerberg announced that his social networking site "Facebook" had changed its name to "Meta" on the eve of Halloween last year, MetaUniverse suddenly became a worldwide hot word, followed by "Trick or Treat" ("Flying Pig" or "Cutting Leeks" again)? "Hope or Hype"? "What exactly is Metauniverse?" Wait for all kinds of questions. I believe this book will help to answer such questions.

I once said that the Meta of the Meta universe is the meta of Metaphysics. Therefore, the essence of Metauniverse is "metaphysics", and its actual function is to stimulate everyone’s imagination and innovation ability. Therefore, not everyone should have their own meta-universe, but everyone should have their own dream of the meta-universe of the Arabian Nights.

"The Metaphysical means the Tao, while the physical means the device" is China’s ancient philosophical thought, but today’s meta-universe, DAO of blockchain, and various "device-like" ideas and algorithms of intelligent technologies, from Wiener’s Cybernetics to Cyberspace, from AI to deep learning, and from shadow system to parallel intelligence, have transformed this philosophical thought into technical requirements and engineering systems, as shown in the figure.

Parallelism and Metauniverse: "TRUE" and "Daoism" Towards a Smart Society

Western Bible "New Testament"? The first sentence at the beginning of the Gospel of John is "In the beginning, there was a Tao, and the Tao was with God". The forty-two chapters of China’s classic Laozi’s Tao Te Ching begin with "Tao gives birth to one, one life to two, two lives to three, and three lives to all things". The combination of the two just "metaphysically" depicts the inevitable process of intelligent technology in the future: 1) Tao in the early days, and Yuan Yuan in the early days, is the "circular causality" theory that gave birth to Cybernetics. DAO of blockchain and Meta of meta-universe are integrated into technology through the idea of "TRUE DAO". Put forward specific requirements for the trustworthiness, reliability, usability, Effective/Efficient efficiency of "TRUE", as well as the level and function of "DAO" (distributed/all-centered, automatic/autonomous, organization/action); 2) Dao Sheng Yi is the specific natural system and problem that we must face; 3) Lifetime two is the boundary and "small data" that we must face at the beginning of solving problems; 4) Two students give birth to three, that is, our "big data" generated by experience, models, "experiments", especially "computational experiments"; 5) All things are all kinds of targeted "deep intelligence" extracted from big data by intelligent methods; 6) All these, from the organization and action of the process of "small data-big data-deep intelligence", are attributed to "yuan",It must have its correspondence in the "meta-universe", so that the virtual and the real are unified and interact in parallel. Therefore, the parallel intelligent method based on ACP (Artificial Society, Computational Experiment, Parallel Execution) is inevitable, which integrates robot, blockchain and intelligent technology, changes the means of production, production relations and productivity, and enters a new stage of human social development.

The essence of all this is to try to transform the Attention and credit that could not be commercialized in the past due to the Miller number of individual cognitive ability and Dunbar circle of social cognitive capacity into new products that can be mass-produced and circulated on a large scale. This is the reason and motivation for us to study Metauniverse. We believe that if the correct meta-universe model succeeds, it will revolutionize the category of economic commodities. At the same time, it can also greatly expand the ways to improve social benefits, and will certainly accelerate the process from the industrial age to the intellectual age.

Since the early 1980s, when the Monte Carlo method and Gaussian random field were used to study material defects, I had the honor to embark on the academic research of designing, analyzing, experimenting and verifying physical systems by means of calculation in Zhejiang University. In the early 1990s, the "shadow system" method of using models as data generators and visualization tools was proposed to NASA, which is today’s digital twin idea. At the beginning of this century, the philosopher of science Karl? Under the influence of Popper’s "Three Worlds" thought, the Academy of Sciences put forward "Parallel System" and its parallel intelligence, as well as the corresponding ACP method and CPSS (Cyber-Physical-Social Systems) concept. I have always hoped that these studies will give birth to a new industrial revolution, promote smart enterprises and smart products, and start with the smart home system that we can’t live without in our daily life. Therefore, at the first China Home Appliances Technology Conference held in Shanghai in 2000, I made a special trip back to China to make a conference report on home appliances, their interconnection and industrial revolution, and thought that the Internet would lead to the fourth industrial revolution, namely Industry 4.0, and OSGi would start the fifth industrial revolution, namely Industry 5.0. In the same year, in cooperation with Guangdong Kekelong Electric Appliance Group, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Arizona, the international R&D center and startup company were set up. In 2000 and 2001, research and system development related to cloud computing and Internet of Things were carried out, and it was fortunate to publish the opening articles in parallel, ACP and CPSS fields. These experiences,Let me have different thoughts and understandings about digital twins and meta-universe, so I believe that the research and exploration shown in this book will further promote the development and application of intelligent technology.

Metauniverse was conceived in Cyberspace, born in the book Mirror World, and became famous by the novel Avalanche. In the west, due to its great influence in the early stage, it once attracted the attention of the notorious Uanibomer, causing bloody cases, and finally converging on today’s Web3 and blockchain intelligence. My hope is that in the East, through parallel intelligence, Metauniverse will evolve to Qian Xuesen’s "spirit realm" technology, with one less word in its name and by going up one flight of stairs in its connotation. In the end, the intelligent science and technology system, which is a trinity of "mirror, mirror and spiritual realm", has become a new science and technology that is not only more "Chinese", but also more human and better serves the good of mankind.

Feiyue Wang

State Key Laboratory of Complex System Management and Control, Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences

Beijing, April 2022

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