How outrageous can artificial intelligence be? Facts are always desperate, and some intelligence should not be too arrogant!

Everyone’s imaginary artificial intelligence

Be omnipotent and on call.

However, goose fact always makes people despair.

Some intelligence. Don’t be too arrogant, huh

I have to say that some smart products

It’s a bit of a talent to make people die.

Feel the juice shallowly.

It really makes me laugh crazy.

Siri is the real warrior.

Haha, I can’t laugh anymore.

Love knows the effects of some programs.

Don’t record when it’s time.

When you don’t record it, the thief recorded it clearly.

It’s not so sensitive at ordinary times

Study in another school.

You will be the laughing stock of the whole class in the future.

Finger lock shark man

I will never say I love you easily again.

He’s a vicious man.

I don’t know what you’re talking about

Maybe there will be a love.

(via@ human society death scene)

Help! I’m going to cry!

We never expected it.

Artificial intelligence makes human beings die so socially.

Once upon a time, there was a mountain. There was a temple in the mountain.