Yao Chen, Cao Baoping and other guest judges gathered to announce the 9 major awards of FIRST venture capital

1905 movie network news On the evening of July 26, 2018, the FIRST Venture Capital Association announced 9 awards at the welcome dinner, including 6 cash awards and 3 non-cash awards. From the script review meeting in May, to the proposal review meeting in June, and then to the public presentation of the film plan on July 25, the proposal project 742 into 30 and finally 13 came to Xining, and experienced layers of screening. In the wilderness where FIRST gave birth to movies, these projects grew savagely, broke through the fog and thorns, and presented in front of many industry guests with a proud attitude. In the end, a total of 7 projects shared 9 awards.


At the dinner, Li Ziwei, the CEO of FIRST Youth Film Festival, spoke affectionately to young filmmakers: "We are gradually building a clear picture and watching a solid back in the birth year." Song Wen, the founder of FIRST Youth Film Festival, hopes that FIRST will create a utopia of film every year, where filmmakers can return to their original determination to do this. Chen Guofu, the chairperson of this year’s jury, encouraged nominees who did not win the prize in the end not to be discouraged.


"Reindeer" tells a redemptive story about search, identity, brokenness and return, wrapped in a crime highway genre. It won two awards, the script development gold of Hehe Film and the special award of Longyue Producer. Yao Chen, the venture capital judge, Yang Wei, chairperson of Hehe Film, and Zhang Fan, the head of Longyue China, presented awards to director Kangbo and producer Wang Siyu respectively. Kangbo said that the script was written for 8 years, but he did not expect it to germinate in Xining. Zhang Fan said that he will take this project to the European International Film Festival, hoping to expand new boundaries.


"One Day Trip" tells the story of a family of three in one day, unfolding a ridiculous picture of the daily life of modern people, expressing the anxiety and confusion in the city. Won the script development grant of Tencent Film’s "NEXT IDEA plan", and the venture capital judge Zhang Yang and Pu Linjiang, director of copyright business of Tencent Film, awarded the director Chen Yanqi. Zhang Yang said that this time the judges know many young creators and see many good scripts. Pu Linjiang hopes that the Tencent brand will help young creators.


Show the psychological wonders of teenagers in daily context, and uncover the dangers in doing nothing. Under the shell of suspense, spy on the growth of teenagers, and maintain the author’s expression while de-dramatizing. Won the Black Ant Film Screenplay Development Grant, and the venture capital judge Ye Rufen and the chairperson of Black Ant Film Liu Bo awarded the director Lin Shuoyuan. Liu Bo mentioned that FIRST gave him a lot of nutrition and taught me what movies are and what modesty is.


Adapted from the novel of the same name by Issuka Xu, "The Blood of the King" shows the active choice made after seeing the truth of the world and reality clearly. Winning the New Force Award from Xinli Media, Li Ning, senior vice president of Xinli Media and CEO of Xinli Film, and actor Qin Hailu presented the award to director Gao Zehao. Gao Zehao expressed surprise at the award, because he was a bit capricious when he wrote it, without considering commerciality and marketing, and did not expect that the script would be liked by many people.


"The Top Chair" tells the absurd story of the Spring Festival travel period, when a father carries a stolen chair as a gift to save his shattered family. It won the most creative award from Hengye Film, and Hengye represented Wu Le and actor Wang Yanhui to award the director Qiao Xingyue. Wu Le said: "It is an honor to contribute a small amount. Thank you FIRST for letting me see more possibilities. We respect the film and respect the filmmakers."


"Lao Zheng Flew to the Sky" has a rare candor. The story of middle-aged people and teenagers growing up together combines the forces of midlife crisis and adolescent restlessness, and explores the philosophical proposition of "living to death". It won two awards: the Dadi Film Script Development Fund and the Herui Distribution Support Award. Director Wang Xiaofeng was awarded the award by Zhang Qun, general manager of Dadi Film, actor Liu Hua, and project director Li Haiyang of Herui Film. Wang Xiaofeng said twice when receiving the award: "I believe in FIRST!"


"Elite Game" is the most commercial project of this year’s venture capital fair, directly attacking the integrity of international students and piercing the black industry chain of ghostwriting for exams. Winning the Battlestar Film Material Support Award, FIRST founder Song Wen presented an award to director Xu Han. Xu Han said that in addition to gratitude, he is working hard.


Li Ziwei exclaimed to the industry guests at the end of the welcome dinner: "The destiny of a good movie is to be watched, and the two ecosystems of creation and viewing are mutually reinforcing. I hope everyone will observe us more, give each other some time, and bring us a better situation."


This year, FIRST put forward the concept of "industrial sector" for the first time, incorporating the existing two units of venture capital and industrial field, and further integrating resources at the front and back ends, striving to provide authors with support in various chains of the industry and meet the different demands of creators and industry guests.