The graphic record of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government 2018 "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" rural tourism culture festival press conference was held in Nanchang.

Press conference site (photo by Huang Yuting) 

  On August 27th, Jiangxi Provincial Government Information Office and Shangrao Municipal People’s Government jointly held a press conference of 2018 "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" Rural Tourism Culture Festival. Li Ruifeng, member of the Standing Committee of Shangrao Municipal Committee, introduced the first "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" in 2018. Wu Xiangyang, the village head of Qingling Village, issued an order to recruit rotating village heads globally. Zhou Qun, researcher of the Provincial Rural Social Development Bureau, Deng Zezhou, director of the Cultural Industry Division of the Provincial Department of Culture, Han Zhiyu, director of the Market Promotion Division of the Provincial Tourism Commission, Wang Chaoxi, inspector of Shangrao Municipal Committee, and You Shilin, deputy director of Shangrao Tourism Commission, attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters. Chen Huilong, director of the press release department of the provincial government information office, presided over the press conference.


Chen Huilong, Director of the Press Release Department of the Provincial Government Information Office (photo by Huang Yuting) 

Chen Huilong:

Dear journalists and friends,

  Good morning everyone!

  Welcome to the press conference of the provincial government information office. On June 21st, 2018, the State Council approved to set up the annual autumn equinox of the lunar calendar as "China Farmers Harvest Festival" from 2018. In order to celebrate the first Harvest Festival, Shangrao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government planned a series of activities in combination with the strategy of beautiful rural construction and rural revitalization. In order to let media friends know about the whole event, today we are very pleased to invite Mr. Li Ruifeng, member of the Standing Committee of Shangrao Municipal Committee, Ms. Zhou Qun, researcher of the Provincial Rural Social Development Bureau, Mr. Deng Zezhou, director of the Cultural Industry Division of the Provincial Department of Culture, Mr. Han Zhiyu, director of the Market Promotion Division of the Provincial Tourism Commission, Mr. Wang Chaoxi, inspector of Shangrao Municipal Committee, Mr. You Shilin, deputy director of Shangrao Tourism Commission, and Mr. Wu Xiangyang, head of Wuling Village, Wuyuan, and ask them to introduce the 2018 "Harvest China

  Let’s ask Standing Committee Li to introduce the relevant situation first.

Li Ruifeng, member of the Standing Committee of Shangrao Municipal Committee (photo by Huang Yuting) 

Li Ruifeng:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press,

  Good morning everyone!

  First of all, I would like to thank the provincial government information office for its strong support! Thank you for your busy schedule to attend today’s press conference! Next, I would like to introduce the relevant situation of the 2018 "Harvest China" (Shangrao) Rural Tourism and Culture Festival.

  I. Background of activities

  The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the strategy of rural revitalization, which is an important decision made with a view to achieving the goal of "two hundred years" and conforming to the yearning of hundreds of millions of farmers for a better life. In this context, on June 21st this year, the State Council approved the establishment of the "China Farmers Harvest Festival", which attracted wide attention from all walks of life. We believe that this is a major opportunity to promote the integration of agriculture and tourism and promote rural revitalization. Therefore, we took the initiative to report to the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and applied to put Shangrao as the main venue for Jiangxi Province to celebrate the "China Farmers Harvest Festival" this year, and jointly held the first "Harvest China" rural tourism and culture festival. Our proposal has been strongly supported by the relevant departments directly under the provincial government. Today, the heads of the relevant departments of the Provincial Department of Culture and the Provincial Tourism Commission also attended today’s press conference as representatives of the organizers.

  Developing rural tourism is a new engine for rural revitalization, an effective way to achieve agricultural efficiency, increase farmers’ income and green rural areas, and an important measure to win the battle against poverty and build a well-off society in an all-round way. Shangrao initiated the "Harvest China" Rural Tourism Culture Festival, which has three unique advantages.

  First, Shangrao is the birthplace of rice culture in the world, and rice culture and farming civilization have a long history. In the 1960s, the world’s earliest rice cultural remains were discovered in Wannian Xianren Cave, which was more than 14,000 years ago, more than 5,000 years earlier than the rice cultural remains discovered in Hemudu, Zhejiang. In addition, the wise men of all dynasties have left behind a large number of masterpieces describing farming civilization and rural life in Shangrao, such as "Cha Sheng" Lu Yu wrote "The Book of Tea" in Shangrao, and in the Tang Dynasty Wang Jia wrote "The shadow of the mulberry leaves the spring club, and every family is intoxicated", and Xin Qiji even wrote a famous sentence "In the rice flowers, you can hear the frogs".

  Secondly, Shangrao has the beautiful business card of Wuyuan, the most beautiful village in China, which has the first-Mover advantage in developing rural tourism. Wuyuan has a 5A and 12 4A-level scenic spots, and the county is still a 3A-level scenic spot, which is unique in China. This year, the only national rural tourism and holiday experimental zone in China was set up. In 2017, rural tourism in Shangrao received 55.35 million person-times, with a comprehensive income of 41.6 billion yuan.

  Third, the construction of beautiful rural areas has achieved remarkable results, laying a solid foundation for the global development of rural tourism. A single flower does not make a spring.

  Since last year, Shangrao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have resolutely implemented the decision and arrangement of "sweeping all 80,000 villages in the province in four years" and vigorously promoted the construction of beautiful villages, which has completely changed the whole rural appearance. In 2017, Shangrao promoted the construction of 3,933 beautiful rural spots with high standards, and built 98 rural tourist spots above 3A level. It is planned to build another 3,742 in 2018, 3,191 in 2019 and 2017 in 2020. Through the beautiful rural construction, Shangrao City has taken another solid step in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. From February 6 to 7 this year, the provincial rural work conference and the site promotion meeting of new rural construction were held in Shangrao City. The achievements of Shangrao’s beautiful rural construction won unanimous praise from the delegates.

  Based on Shangrao’s first-Mover advantage in developing rural tourism, in order to seize the favorable opportunity of setting up "China Farmers Harvest Festival" in the State Council, the municipal party committee and municipal government decided to hold the 2018 "Harvest China" (Shangrao) rural tourism culture festival after studying and reporting to the provincial government for approval.

  Second, the content of the activity

  This year’s Rural Tourism Culture Festival is jointly sponsored by Shangrao Municipal People’s Government, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Agriculture, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Development Committee, and jointly organized by Shangrao Municipal Committee of Agriculture and Industry, Shangrao Tourism Commission, Shangrao Agricultural Bureau, Shangrao Wenguang New Bureau, Shangrao County (city, district) people’s governments, Sanqingshan Management Committee, Shangrao Tourism Group, Wuyuan National Rural Tourism Holiday Experimental Zone Management Committee and Huaxi Group. The time is from September 22nd to December 31st.

  The main content of this rural tourism culture festival can be summarized as "12385".

  "1" is a goal. By holding the "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" rural tourism culture festival, the new image of Shangrao’s agriculture, countryside and farmers in the new era will be fully displayed, new connotation will be injected into "Damei Shangrao", a new brand will be created for rural tourism in Jiangxi, a new way of "rural tourism promoting rural revitalization" will be explored, the integration of beautiful rural construction and global tourism will be promoted, and Shangrao will become a demonstration and demonstration of domestic rural tourism and global tourism after two to three years of efforts.

  "2" is just two slogans: "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" and "Revitalize the countryside and give priority to tourism".

  "3" is three stages:

  The first stage is the pre-heating stage (August 27-September 21). After today’s press conference, it will take nearly one month to organize the pre-heating publicity report.

  The second stage is the main activity stage (September 22 -24), with activities such as "Damei Shangrao" rural tourism promotion meeting, opening ceremony, Daoxiang Music Festival, the first China rural tourism village head summit, "Damei Shangrao" harvest market, the establishment of Shangrao rural e-commerce alliance, the launching ceremony of Tmall flagship store and the Mid-Autumn Festival Moon-watching Carnival of "Village Songs in the Clouds".

  The third stage is the theme month activity stage (from October 1st to December 30th). A theme is determined every month, and various colorful rural tourism activities are held in counties (cities, districts), making the fourth quarter of this year a veritable "Shangrao Rural Tourism Happy Season" and extending the popularity to 2019, which is connected with the "Rural Tourism New Year" activity.

  In October, in order to welcome the National Day Golden Week, Poyang County will hold the Poyang Lake Lobster Festival and Hengfeng County will hold the first Shangrao Rural Tourism Food Competition. In November, Guangfeng District will jointly organize a series of activities such as "Ten thousand people taste Majiayu" with relevant units. In December, Poyang and yugan county will hold wintering migratory birds to shoot and watch and fish customs cultural activities.

  "8" is eight theme activities, specifically:

  (1) Press conference of 2018 "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" Rural Tourism Culture Festival

  1. Time: Monday, August 27, 2018;

  2. Venue: Held in Nanchang jointly with the Information Office of the provincial government.

  3. Content: The organizing committee of 2018 "Harvest China" (Shangrao) Rural Tourism Culture Festival released news and answered reporters’ questions.

  (II) 2018 "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" Rural Tourism Promotion Conference

  1. Time: 18: 30-19: 30 on September 22, 2018;

  2. Venue: Banquet Hall of Shangrao longtan lake Hotel;

  3. Content: The promotion meeting will be divided into four chapters of rural tourism: beautiful scenery, beautiful accommodation, delicious food and beautiful customs, which will fully reflect the new image of Shangrao as a new agriculture, new countryside and new farmer in the new era. At the same time, the signing ceremony of cooperation between travel agencies and investors, the establishment ceremony of Shangrao rural e-commerce alliance and the launching ceremony of Tmall flagship store, a tourism specialty of "Damei Shangrao", will be held.

  (III) Opening ceremony of the first "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" rural tourism culture festival in 2018.

  1. Time: 9:00 am on September 23, 2018.

  2. Venue: the main venue of Shangrao East Tourism and Culture Complex.

  3. Content: The premiere of the documentary "Harvest China", the world premiere of the theme song "Harvest China", the performance of local cultural programs, the display of local folk customs and intangible culture, and the theme experience display of rural tourism resources and rural revitalization achievements in various counties (cities, districts).

  (D) "Damei Shangrao" Harvest Market

  1. Time: September 23rd-24th, 2018

  2. Venue: the main venue of Shangrao East Tourism and Culture Complex.

  3. Content: Harvest Market is an immersive experience area with the theme of "Celebrating Harvest". It will set up the main stage area, Shangrao Optimization Area, Wenchuang Market Area, Riverside Scenic Area, Harvest Catering Experience Area, Harvest Parent-child Experience Area and other immersive harvest theme cultural areas, so that citizens and tourists can experience and participate in the harvest.

  The main stage area presents cultural performances of rural tourism and global tourism in Shangrao at different times according to the theme; Shangrao Preferred Area is organized by the governments of counties (cities, districts) to focus on displaying the harvest results; Wenchuang Market allows citizens and tourists to experience Shangrao’s unique intangible culture, cultural and creative products and tourist commodities. Riverside Scenic Area and Harvest Parent-child Experience Area will be the experience areas for citizens and tourists to experience Shangrao’s beautiful landscape and farming culture. Whether it is the exploration of rice seed origin, the experience of rice tools or the dragon boat race on the river, Shangrao citizens and national tourists will rediscover Shangrao’s hundreds of millions of years of beautiful landscape and the power of thousands of years of farming culture inheritance.

  (V) 2018 First China "Village Revitalization and Tourism First" Village Head Summit

  1. Time: the afternoon of September 23rd, 2018.

  2. Location: Huangling, Wuyuan County

  3. Content: It is planned to invite village heads and new farmers from Xiaogang Village in Anhui, Liangjiahe Village in Shaanxi, yuanjiacun Village in Xi ‘an, Shenshan Village in Jinggangshan, Anji Village in Zhejiang and Yuling Village in Wuyuan, as well as businessmen and farmers from Czech CK town, Japan, Australia and Taiwan Province to dissect the trend of rural tourism transformation and upgrading around the themes of "rural tourism and rural revitalization" and "IP strategy of rural tourism". Show the image of new farmers in China, advocate the establishment of "China Rural Tourism Village Chief Alliance", publish the Shangrao Declaration of China Rural Tourism Village Chief Summit, issue a call-up order for new farmers to return home to start businesses, form an international friendship village alliance, organize domestic and foreign institutional media and domestic and foreign self-media to actively participate, and strive to build Shangrao into the source of new ideas for rural tourism development in China, and understand the local China in the new era with the eyes of Shangrao.

  (VI) "Harvest China" Daoxiang Concert

  1. Time: the afternoon of September 23rd, 2018.

  2. Location: Yaowan Scenic Area, Wuyuan County

  3. Content: Take the opportunity of the first "China Farmers Harvest Festival" to launch Shangrao’s brand of "the birthplace of world rice culture" in the novel form of holding a concert in the rice fields, and listen to the sounds of nature in Shangrao’s rice fields with a small and beautiful wonderful music experience. The concert plans to set up three chapters of "Plowing, Reading and Pleasure", integrate domestic excellent music, recitation, dance and beauty, and tell the cultural story of "Harvest China and Beautiful Shangrao" in an international audio-visual way.

  By cooperating with the first-class video content team in China, Daoxiang Concert provided high-quality graphic and audio-visual communication content of "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" to CCTV, major Internet platforms, mobile Internet platforms and provincial and municipal TV stations at the communication node of China Farmers Harvest Festival, making it a brand IP and beautiful business card for rural tourism in Shangrao.

  (7) Mid-Autumn Festival Moon-watching Carnival of "Village Songs in the Clouds"

  1. Time: the evening of September 24, 2018

  2. Venue: the main venue of Shangrao Chengdong Tourism Complex

  3. Content: This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is closely connected with the Harvest Festival, and it is planned to show the brand-new features of new farmers and new countryside in Shangrao in the new era in the form of Mid-Autumn Party and citizen carnival. In addition to local cultural performances, Shangrao’s cultural experience of farming and reading, and traditional Mid-Autumn Festival games, the whole activity was combined with various online interactive forms, such as H5 WeChat solve riddles on the lanterns, audio-visual challenge and other new forms to attract young people’s attention and participation. With the help of Mid-Autumn Festival news hotspots, the brand-new features of Shangrao urban tourism and rural tourism will be fully displayed.

  (VIII) "Five Hundred Actions" of rural tourism in Damei Shangrao

  1. Time: September 22 -24, 2018

  2. Location: Shangrao City

  3. Content: Damei Shangrao Rural Tourism "500 Action" is an innovative plan for rural tourism development combined with Shangrao’s reality. Specifically:

  First, 100 travel agencies entered Shangrao: representatives of 100 travel agencies from all over the country were invited through Jiangxi Tourism Commission, Shangrao Tourism Commission, Shangrao Tourism Group and National Provincial State-owned Tourism Alliance to inspect the new rural tourism routes in Shangrao and discuss cooperation during the meeting.

  Second, 100 village heads went to Shangrao: well-known village heads from China in New Era in Xiaogang Village in Anhui, Liangjiahe Village in Shaanxi, yuanjiacun in Xi ‘an, Shenshan Village in Jinggangshan and Anji in Zhejiang, as well as rural tourists and farmers from Czech CK town, Japan, Australia and other countries and Taiwan Province were invited to investigate and discuss rural tourism.

  Third, hundreds of media enter Shangrao: invite hundreds of online new media and traditional media resources at home and abroad to carry out the external display and promotion of Shangrao tourism products and services through the Tourism Festival. Through interviews, reports, travel notes, as well as words, pictures, videos and other means, we will vigorously promote the new features of rural tourism in Shangrao. 

  Fourth, hundreds of rural e-commerce companies entered Shangrao: it is planned to invite merchants from major e-commerce companies on Alibaba, Taobao and Tmall e-commerce platforms to participate in tourism festivals and supporting activities. Docking and communication with Shangrao agriculture, tourism and other industries and enterprises. Build a network sales platform for agricultural and sideline products, tourism and leisure industries, and expand e-commerce trading channels, so that Shangrao’s rich tourist specialties have heard of e-commerce procurement and flew to thousands of households.

  Fifthly, hundreds of rural tourism investors and partners will enter Shangrao: it is planned to invite large domestic and foreign tourism investment companies to inspect, dock and negotiate with Shangrao’s tourism, agriculture, health care and other related industries, build a platform for capital going to the countryside, and promote the development of rural tourism. 

  "5" means "five platforms":

  This year’s Rural Tourism Culture Festival will strive to build "five platforms", namely, a platform to promote new rural tourism routes, a platform to talk about new rural tourism ideas, a platform to promote the development of rural e-commerce, a platform to promote capital to the countryside to talk about cooperation, and a platform to show new features of rural development.

  Third, the characteristics of activities

  This year’s rural tourism culture festival is rich in content and has many highlights, and has the following characteristics.

  First, the timing is important and unique. The State Council approved the establishment of "China Farmers Harvest Festival", which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of hundreds of millions of farmers and enhanced their sense of honor, happiness and acquisition. As a new symbol of tourism culture, it will be widely concerned by all walks of life. It is understood that many places in China are planning to hold activities to celebrate the first China Farmers Harvest Festival. Jiangxi is a big agricultural province, and Shangrao is the leading place of rural tourism in China. The first "China Farmers Harvest Festival" is a position that cannot be missed, and it must make a loud voice in Jiangxi. It is understood that at present, there are many farmers’ celebrations on September 23rd, but there are few rural tourism festivals at the same time, which can highlight our new mode and new path of developing rural tourism and boosting rural revitalization.

  Second, it is grand in scale and the first time in the province. This year’s Rural Tourism Culture Festival is jointly sponsored by Shangrao Municipal People’s Government, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Agriculture, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Development Committee. All counties (urban areas) in a district and city participate, with a main venue (Shangrao city level) and 12 sub-venues (12 counties and districts in Shangrao), which is the first time in the province. Shangrao attaches great importance to it, and has set up an activity organizing committee with Ma Chengzu, secretary of the municipal party committee, as the first director, and Xie Laifa, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor as the director. By mobilizing the strength of the whole city, Shangrao strives to make 2018 "Harvest China" (Shangrao) Rural Tourism Culture Festival an influential rural tourism brand and case in China.

  Third, the time span is long and the content is bright. This rural tourism culture festival is a celebration of farmers’ harvest festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and runs through the fourth quarter. From today’s press conference to the end of the year, the activities are mainly divided into three stages. The first stage is the pre-heating stage, the second stage is the main activity stage (September 22 -24), and the third stage is the theme month activity stage. From October to the end of the year, various colorful rural tourism activities are held in counties (cities, districts). In terms of content, there are 8 theme activities, and Jonathan Lee and others will attend the Daoxiang Concert. In addition, there are more than a dozen theme month activities (lobster festival, rural food contest, rural e-commerce alliance, etc.), which can be said to have many bright spots and colorful.

  The above is the main content of this rural tourism culture festival. Thank you for your strong support. Let’s look forward to the complete success of the 2018 "Harvest China Damei Shangrao" Rural Tourism Culture Festival!

Chen Huilong:Thank you for your introduction! In order to encourage more people to participate in the development and future of Qiling, Wu Xiangyang, the current village head of Qiling Village, will issue a global recruitment order here today. Let’s ask the village head of Wu Xiangyang to issue a recruitment order.

Wu Xiangyang, the head of Yuling Village (photo by Huang Yuting)

Wu Xiangyang:

  In order to encourage more people to support Wuyuan’s poverty alleviation through tourism, on August 27th, Qingling Ancient Village launched the global recruitment of the rotating "village head" of Wuyuan, the most beautiful village in China.

  The ancient village of Qiling has invested 1 billion yuan to create a unique agricultural custom landscape in autumn drying in Qiling, the first protection model of ancient villages in China, and partial relocation and resettlement tourism to help the poor.

  Through global selection, every "village head" may come from across the border to make suggestions for the tourism development and the protection of ancient villages in Wuyuan. The precision poverty alleviation tourism project will better promote the local economic development through industrial poverty alleviation and industry poverty alleviation. I hope that every "village head" will leave a "glorious achievement".

  Whose policy agenda will stand out? Who will be the first rotating "village head"?

  As long as you have a 2-3-day holiday, certain social resources, and a charity to help the poor, make sure to do something meaningful for the village during your term of office.

  During your tenure as the "village head" of Qingling Tourism, you will enjoy at least these five preferential treatments:

  1. A beautiful and comfortable old house;

  2. An assistant with both face value and talent;

  3. Ad hoc "village visits" to listen to social conditions and public opinion;

  4. Live broadcast on the all-media platform, the ancient village is a hot spot in the world, and you are the focus of the ancient village;

  5. After leaving office with honor, the "Village Head Wall" will record your fame and keep it forever;

Chen Huilong:Thanks to Wu Cunchang for his release. Let’s enter the question session. Please raise your hand and introduce your news organization. thank you

Jiangxi Satellite TV reporter (photo by Huang Yuting)

Jiangxi Satellite TV reporter:What is the specific significance of this harvest festival in boosting rural revitalization? What kind of influence will it bring to farmers in Shangrao?

Li Ruifeng:We also mentioned the significance of this event release when it was released earlier.

  "China Farmers Harvest Festival", as a new symbol of tourism culture, has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of hundreds of millions of farmers, and enhanced their sense of honor, happiness and acquisition.

  Shangrao has jurisdiction over 12 counties and cities and Sanqingshan Mountain. There are many beautiful rural tourist spots, and rural tourism is unique in the country. In particular, Wuyuan, the most beautiful rural area, has become a national benchmark, and Qiling has also become a model for rural revitalization with a unique "symbol of basking in autumn". Developing rural tourism is a main line of Shangrao tourism development, which is of great significance to increase farmers’ production and income, get rid of poverty and get rich, and promote rural revitalization and development. Relying on the holding of "Harvest China" (Shangrao) Rural Tourism Culture Festival will further promote the development of rural tourism in Shangrao’s jurisdiction, inject new connotation into "Great Beauty Shangrao", create a new brand for rural tourism in Jiangxi, explore a new way of "rural tourism promoting rural revitalization", and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of flowers in beautiful villages. Holding this series with local characteristics will further enrich the material and cultural life of farmers, show the spiritual outlook of new farmers in the new era, and meet the new needs of hundreds of millions of farmers for a better life.

  With the prosperity of rural tourism, the employment opportunities of farmers will naturally increase. Farmers can sell their own green agricultural products at their doorsteps, set up homestays and open restaurants, and actually enjoy the dividend of tourism development without leaving home.

Jiangxi Tourism Channel reporter (photo by Huang Yuting)

Jiangxi Tourism Channel reporter:What agricultural products have been harvested in the Farmers Harvest Festival? What agricultural products can we buy at the harvest festival?

You Shilin, Deputy Director of Shangrao Tourism Commission (photo by Huang Yuting)

You Shilin:"China Farmers Harvest Festival" is an exclusive festival for farmers. To realize farmers’ festival and farmers’ joy, this activity is based on farmers and rural tourism. Spring planting and autumn harvest, Chunhua Qiushi, and the autumn equinox season are fruitful, which can best reflect the bumper harvest. Shangrao is a famous land of fish and rice. The reputation of beautiful fish in Poyang and Gong Mi fragrance for thousands of years has been long since ancient times. Xin Qiji’s description of rice flowers and flowers means a good harvest, and listening to frogs is exactly Shangrao. Autumn is crisp, which is not only an important season for autumn harvest, autumn ploughing and autumn planting, but also a good time for rice fragrance, crab fat and chrysanthemum yellow, and autumn scenery. Therefore, we set up the "Damei Shangrao" harvest market in the main part of the event, where tourists and citizens can buy agricultural products, local products and handicrafts from 12 counties (cities, districts) and Sanqingshan in Shangrao. For example, the fishing production of Poyang Lake, Gong Mi for ten thousand years, dried peppers and so on. In the sub-venues in Shangrao, you can also participate in the activities to experience local folk cultural performances, unique skills, and taste the special food of farmhouse music.

  Farmers’ Harvest Festival is not only the harvest of agricultural products, but also the mobilization and gathering of resources from all sides, enhancing farmers’ enthusiasm and confidence in revitalizing the countryside, promoting the overall revitalization of the countryside, making farmers a promising industry and an attractive occupation, and making the vast beautiful countryside a harvest for beautiful homeland, which lives and works in peace and contentment. By vigorously developing rural "tourism+",we will gather together to tackle poverty and implement the strategy of rural revitalization, and promote the majestic power of "rural tourism promotes rural revitalization".

Jiangxi Pictorial Newspaper reporter (photo by Huang Yuting)

Jiangxi Pictorial Newspaper reporter:The theme activity stage just mentioned will be held in Shangrao from October to December. So what other series of activities are there?

Li Ruifeng:Our theme activities will be held from October 1st to December 30th, and a theme will be determined every month to hold various colorful rural tourism activities in counties (cities, districts). In October, in order to welcome the National Day Golden Week, Hengfeng County will hold the first Shangrao Rural Tourism Food Competition and other activities. Lead Mountain will hold Jiangxi Wuyishan Black Tea Culture Festival to spread Jiangxi Wuyishan black tea culture. From September to December, Guangfeng District will hold a series of activities around the Harvest Festival, such as the Songfeng Taro Banquet in Shidu Village, Songfeng Township in October, the "Ten Thousand People Taste Majiayu" in November, and the Hengshan Food Festival and Xiaofeng Killing Pig Rice in December. Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area carried out a feast of picking chrysanthemums in Chongyang to enjoy the autumn sun, taking photos of Hongfeng to welcome the winter and dancing back to Qingfeng. Poyang and yugan county will hold wintering migratory birds to shoot and watch and fish customs cultural activities.

  Around the local characteristic culture, a series of activities were carried out to celebrate the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, making the fourth quarter of this year a veritable "Shangrao Rural Tourism Happy Season", extending the popularity to 2019, and connecting with the activities of "Rural Tourism for the New Year".

  In addition, there are many activities here, so I won’t list them one by one. Media friends and tourists can pay attention to our tourism dynamics in Shangrao and learn about the preview and progress of the activities.

Chen Huilong:Because of the time, that’s all for answering reporters’ questions. Thank you again for the leaders, guests, journalists and friends, and welcome you to continue to pay attention to the follow-up progress of the 2018 "Harvest China" (Shangrao) Rural Tourism and Culture Festival. Shangrao Tourism Commission has issued news materials, and journalists and friends are welcome to download and view them. If you have any questions, you can consult, communicate or interview after the meeting.

  This concludes today’s press conference. Thank you!