Wordcraft, the prototype of Google artificial intelligence tool, can already do ghostwriting, but its quality is not good.

Remember that time Google showed off its ability of artificial intelligence by demonstrating the dialogue with Pluto and paper airplane? That’s driven by LaMDA, one of Google’s latest generation conversational artificial intelligence models. Now, Google is using LaMDA to build Wordcraft, a prototype writing tool that can help creative writers create new stories.

It turned out to be all kinds of surreal awkwardness, one of which described that eggs have leather texture, but I chose the option that they are the size of grapefruit and covered with fluff. (Eggs covered with feathers do not exist)

As you can see from the final product, the writing level of artificial intelligence can only be said to be quite basic, and there are many contradictions.

Wordcraft is obviously still in the experimental stage, but this prototype is very interesting to use. Even people who mainly want to see how ridiculous results can be obtained with a prompt deserve attention.