More than 2,000 short videos have attracted 14 million people, and the first person to "make online celebrity die"

  More than 2,000 short videos attracted 14 million yuan.

  The first person to "kill online celebrity"

  Challenge what no one does and win millions of investments.

  Jing Hanqing, a 22-year-old boy, comes from Suining, Sichuan. On the Internet, he is well known by netizens as a short video blogger. In the past five years, he has insisted on a short video every day. What kind of person is Jing Hanqing? He said that he is a person who loves life, and many netizens think that he is a "death-maker". He used to eat lipstick live, eat food that has expired for 12 years, and eat 50 fresh lemons in one breath … …

  Han Qing is also an extremely boring person. At three or four o’clock in the morning, I had a whim, ran to the live broadcast room, experimented for more than an hour, and came to a "boring conclusion" that a lighter can strike a fire more than 1000 times; Bought a giant lollipop and licked it in 6 hours; In order to find out how many black seeds there are in a pitaya, he counted from 1 am to 7 am … …

  Maybe some people will say, this is too boring, right? However, netizens feel that he is "dead" and bored, but they can’t help but watch it. Up to now, the number of fans of Jing Hanqing has reached more than 14 million.

  A "death"

  Rent a villa and shoot strange videos every day.

  When we first met, Jing Hanqing wore a pair of slippers and a self-designed dress with the words "auspicious" and "rich" printed on it. On a shopping website, you can find the same style of Jing Hanqing’s clothes. Unlike him in the short video, Jing Hanqing in reality feels like a shy big boy.

  In a villa area in Qingyang District, Chengdu, Jing Hanqing rents a three-story villa with six friends, who are also his employees. One of the girls code-named "Female Operation" is Jing Hanqing’s girlfriend.

  Walking into the first floor of the villa, a Keji named "Router" is chasing each other with an orange stray cat, passing by piles of props, express boxes and leftovers. This group of post-90 s and post-95 s looks no different from other young people, just a little lazy and casual.

  "The first floor is the editing room, the shooting room is located in the basement, and the second floor and the third floor are the living quarters." Despite the mess, Jing Hanqing divided the villa into functions. The reason for this arrangement is also to be able to work 24 hours at any time. "If you are in an office building, it is not so convenient to work."

  Almost all the short indoor videos of Jing Hanqing were completed in the basement of the villa. On a rectangular table, there are more than a dozen lemons and a few candles. After watching his short videos, I know that these are the props used in his recent two programs, "Eat 50 fresh lemons in one breath" and "Try to take a bath with wax oil from a low-temperature candle".

  Jing Hanqing had a whim in the middle of the night, trying to figure out how many times a lighter could ignite a fire. So I got up at three or four in the morning and pressed the lighter for 1000 times in a row until the lighter was scrapped.

  In the live broadcast room, when the shutter button was pressed, Jing Hanqing changed instantly — — The voice is loud and eloquent, and the expression and action are exaggerated.

  So far, Jing Hanqing has shot more than 2,000 short videos, many of which have the nature of "death". Some netizens called him "the first person who killed online celebrity". Speaking of this title, Jing Hanqing is not exclusive, but a little proud.

  make money

  "Those who scold me are definitely not as poor as me."

  Jing Hanqing still remembers that his first original short video was a challenge to eat "the hottest turkey noodles in the world". Because there was no post-processing at that time, only the footage of him eating noodles was repeated in the whole 7-minute video. After the video was uploaded, spit and abuse swept through, and the video was too bad, which was the unanimous feedback of netizens.

  Got scolded, JingHanQing heart somewhat lost. But that "rollover incident" brought him unexpected gains. "Because the video has received a lot of controversy, the video has been topped on the homepage." After this incident, Jing Hanqing’s determination to be a short video blogger is more determined than before.

  In recent years, no matter whether a person fights alone or finds a group of friends to shoot together, Jing Hanqing insists on updating a short video every day. On all short video platforms, Jing Hanqing can be regarded as a high-yield anchor. And are these short videos of "death" made for money? Jing Hanqing said bluntly, "Of course, it must be to make money."

  "Those who scold me are definitely not as poor as I was when I was a child." Jing Hanqing grew up in a single-parent family, selling fruit with her mother since childhood and staying late into the night every day. "One night, I sat on a tricycle and looked at the lights hanging from the fruit stand before I really felt how my family was so poor?"

  Jing Hanqing didn’t like reading when he was at school, and he pondered how to make money all day. "When I was in junior high school, I started the business of helping people write homework, starting with a dollar; Use the money earned by writing homework to buy online novels, and then rent them to other students for one yuan a week. " Jing Hanqing said that after attending a vocational school, he was convinced of the school’s power-off regulations and began to resell charging treasures as soon as he entered school.

  In 2014, Jing Hanqing went to Beijing alone and worked as a bottom-level salesman, holding an average salary of two or three thousand. Although life is hard, he has a hobby of making short videos.

  "At that time, I went to work during the day and spent more than three hours making videos at night. In one year, the number of fans rose from 0 to 4,000." Even so, the short video did not bring Jing Hanqing a penny of income.

  In 2016, Jing Hanqing returned to Sichuan, and shooting short videos still occupied all his leisure time. Since 2016, short videos have been welcomed, and the audience of short videos is increasing. Through short videos, Jing Hanqing’s monthly income ranges from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan. At the peak, he can earn 100,000 yuan a month. In 2017, Jing Hanqing also won the favor of capital and received millions of investments, which was a huge sum of money for him who was still a small and medium-sized UP owner (the person who uploaded the video).


  Internet celebrity

  "It costs 500 thousand to buy props a year."

  There are rumors that Jing Hanqing made a fortune and now lives in a villa with an annual salary of one million. In fact, Jing Hanqing doesn’t care too much about other people’s comments. "If you are troubled by these gossips every day, you won’t have more time to study more interesting videos."

  Nowadays, Jing Hanqing has no original urgency to make money. What he cares about now is how to run the company well. In 2017, he set up his own media company. In addition to operating his own account, he also began to incubate other short video bloggers, hoping to develop towards MCN (the abbreviation of English Multi-Channel Network, which refers to a multi-channel network product form that can realize commercial realization).

  Nowadays, the short videos made by Jing Hanqing are no longer prone to "death", but are more inclined to fun and interesting themes. He will try to run with a load of 100 Jin, chew 10 Jin of chocolate, and try to eat a Jin of Russian lobster … … Of course, after being with the "female operator", he also added some warm elements to his videos, and often "sprinkled dog food" in short videos.

  He has an "inspiration library" which contains all kinds of strange ideas of his own. Even sometimes, when I am not inspired, I just look through the online shopping cart to see what props I have bought are useless. Last year, Jing Hanqing spent 500,000 yuan on props, and most of the props were only used once.

  He said that the purpose of making these videos is to have fun and challenge things that everyone has never done. "Maybe many people have the same idea as me, but I tried it, which is a popularization for everyone." In his view, he is not conveying incorrect values, but his own video can let everyone get entertainment and relaxation after a stressful life.

  As one of the important income sources of short videos, many bloggers make money by bringing goods through e-commerce, but Jing Hanqing said that he hardly accepts advertisements because advertising "hurts" fans.

  There are so many bloggers of funny videos, but not everyone can become a KOL in the field of short videos. "If you enter this industry just to make money, you will be like a chopped leek. You can’t make money, but those who really make money are those who love life and record." Jing Hanqing said that he is such a person.

  Now, he is also thinking about shooting some other types of videos and using short videos to convey more valuable things.


  "I want to use short videos to convey more valuable things."

  Reporter: Why did you choose to shoot a short video of "Death"?

  Jing Hanqing: I saw on a video website that the video form of "Death" had a high subscription abroad, but it didn’t exist in China at that time. There must be a market for such a short video mode in the future, so I started to try it.

  Reporter: Do you think making a short video of "death" is conveying incorrect values?

  Jing Hanqing: I don’t think so. In fact, many of the ideas in the video are told by the audience, "This is very interesting. Do you want to try it?". After I try it, I will also tell the audience what tastes good and what is harmless to the body. I feel like a white mouse, so I should help the audience to test the poison.

  Reporter: Why do you think this kind of video has a market?

  Jing Hanqing: Now everyone’s life is very fast and stressful. Maybe they just like to watch something relaxed and funny.

  Reporter: What do you think of everyone’s evaluation of you?

  Jing Hanqing: Actually, I don’t care much about this. If you respond to this every day, how can you make progress? So just improve yourself and think more about how to make the video more interesting.

  Reporter: Planning for the future?

  Jing Hanqing: The video of "Death" has proved that there is a market abroad. In addition, I will also use short videos to convey more valuable things.