Multi-functional network car on the road practice runs by the end of the year is expected to reach 300 vehicles

  Download the Shouqi car-hailing APP to make an appointment, which can carry wheelchair passengers. It is expected to reach 300 vehicles by the end of the year

  The elderly, pregnant women, and people with limited mobility have new options for travel. Yesterday, the first batch of more than 60 official multi-function online car-hailing vehicles in this city was officially launched. The biggest highlight is that they can carry wheelchair passengers. Citizens only need to download the Shouqi car-hailing APP to book a car. The Beijing Morning Post reporter learned that it is expected that by the end of the year, the city’s multi-function online car-hailing will reach 300 vehicles.

  Equipped with automatic lifting platform

  Yesterday, a brand-new multi-functional online car was officially unveiled in the Shouqi Building. The Beijing Morning Post reporter noticed that the appearance of the multi-functional online car is very similar to that of a commercial car, but the difference is that the multi-functional online car opens the trunk and has an automatic lifting platform (see picture).

  According to the relevant person in charge of Shouqi car-hailing, in addition to incorporating rich technology and fashionable styling elements in the appearance and interior, the multi-function vehicle is also carefully designed in terms of configuration, and the rich humanized intelligent equipment will bring more convenient and humanistic driving experience to people with limited mobility. The person in charge said that the car space is more spacious than ordinary online car-hailing, can seat 7 people, has a wrapping cabin, and the third row of seats in the car box has variable functions. At the same time, the car is equipped with an automatic lifting device for passengers who use wheelchairs to get on the bus directly, without folding the wheelchair. Moreover, in addition to seat belts and armrests suitable for wheelchair passengers, after passengers get on the bus, the two wheels of the wheelchair will be effectively fixed to ensure the safety of passengers. " The above operations can be easily completed by only one driver. "The person in charge said that passengers using wheelchairs are located in the third row of the car after getting on the bus, which does not affect the comfort of passengers in the first two rows of the car at all. When not loading wheelchairs, the third row of folding seats can also be lowered to ensure the normal loading of passengers in the third row.

  Door-to-door service available

  Beijing Morning Post reporter learned that multi-purpose vehicle drivers have undergone advance training, including equipment operation, maintenance, cleaning, emergency treatment, as well as a series of detailed service training, such as serving elderly passengers can not be too hasty, touch the limb can not be too hard, the elderly and other special passengers suddenly feel unwell when riding What should I do? The reporter roughly calculated yesterday and found that under normal circumstances, it takes about 2 minutes from the landing of the automatic lifting platform to the passenger getting on the bus, completing the wheelchair fixation, and fastening the seat belt.

  In addition, it is worth noting that the multifunctional network ride-hailing driver provides a door-to-door service. When making an appointment, passengers can explain their basic situation and whether they need the company to provide wheelchairs.

  Prices are on par with commercial vehicles

  Previously, the Beijing Morning News has also repeatedly reported and paid attention to the problem of travel difficulties for special groups such as wheelchair people. "Sometimes the driver reaches for a taxi and sees us in a wheelchair. It clearly shows that the car is empty but he will not stop because he thinks it is troublesome for me." At that time, a wheelchair girl interviewed said so.

  The multi-function online car-hailing launched by Shouqi Car-hailing will solve this problem. Last night, a reporter from the Beijing Morning News logged in to the Shouqi Car-hailing APP and found that the "multi-function vehicle" option had appeared in the APP and could be reserved at any time. Passengers only need to download the Shouqi Car-hailing APP to make an appointment. "We still encourage reservations for multi-function vehicles, because there are currently limited vehicles, and instant orders may not be available immediately." The relevant person in charge of Shouqi Car-hailing said. Such a thoughtful service, is the price expensive? The Beijing Morning News reporter learned that at present, the multi-function online car-hailing pricing is the same as that of commercial vehicles, that is, 4.5 yuan per kilometer and time, 0.7 yuan per minute during off-peak hours, and 1.5 yuan per minute during peak hours.

  It will be expanded to 300 vehicles by the end of the year

  At present, the multi-function vehicle is still in the practice run period, yesterday the first batch of 60 vehicles in the city on the road practice run.

  According to the plan, more than 300 multi-function vehicles will be on the road in Beijing by the end of the year. At the same time, some cities across the country will also launch them one after another. It is expected that there will be about 500 multi-function online car-hailing vehicles nationwide by the end of the year.

  Regarding the launch of multi-functional network ride-hailing, transportation expert Xu Kangming said that a city’s transportation system should not only focus on the construction of tall facilities, but should also focus on providing diverse transportation modes for different groups of people, and more importantly, it can provide excellent service guarantees for special groups, the elderly, children, and low-income groups.

  Beijing Morning Post reporter, co-photo by Cao Jing Ruiwen

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  Accessible taxis have been scrapped

  Beijing Morning News (reporter, Cao Jingrui) Multifunctional network about the car on the line, how about the traditional barrier-free taxi? Yesterday, the Beijing Morning News reporter learned from the transportation department that the barrier-free taxi introduced before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has reached the end of its life and will no longer carry passengers on the road.

  Accessible taxis first appeared in May 2008, when the city’s fleet of 70 vehicles was built to meet the needs of mobility-impaired people and the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. At that time, the first batch of accessible taxis was rich in models, including British, Quanshun, Jinbei and Santana. Of these, 40 were wheelchair-accessible and 30 were modified vehicles, that is, rotating seats.

  These accessible taxis are generally operated by telephone reservation, two hours in advance in urban areas and one day in advance in suburban counties, to serve people with special travel needs. According to previous statistics from the transportation department, since the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, barrier-free taxis have provided services to passengers with special social needs tens of thousands of times.

  However, in practice, it is difficult for passengers to see accessible taxis on the road. It is reported that the main reason is that the car has high fuel consumption, the taxi driver loses a lot of money, and the operation is difficult. In addition, due to the limited number, sometimes even if you use the phone to make an appointment, you have to try your luck to get a accessible taxi.

  The scrapping period of taxis in this city is 8 years. Therefore, the barrier-free taxis introduced before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games have reached the end of their life and will no longer carry passengers on the road.

Meituan local life behind "high certainty" finds "low price" breakthrough point

  In the past six months, Meituan has rebuilt its offensive and defensive systems, and has also entered a new narrative stage: its core local business has achieved steady development, and at the same time, the synergy effect between various businesses has begun to emerge, driving the first quarter’s performance.

  As more traffic players enter the local life field, Meituan is also constantly breaking through and seeking new breakthrough points. This quarter, Meituan went deep into the industry value chain, focusing more on building long-term competitiveness and improving user experience rather than market share while promoting the development of merchants. Behind this, Meituan is constantly improving supply and iterating products to meet consumers’ demand for product diversity, high quality and high cost performance.

  With the adjustment of the organizational structure, Meituan has been optimized in terms of quality service, operational efficiency, and reshaping price power, which has also allowed Meituan to achieve good results in the first quarter. On June 6, Meituan released its first-quarter financial report, revenue was 73.28 billion, an increase of 25% year-on-year. The core local business contributed 54.63 billion revenue, an increase of 27.4% year-on-year, accounting for 74.5% of total revenue.

  Revenue and profit both grew, implementing the "retail + technology" strategy

  At a time when the competition in the local life track was becoming more intense, Meituan, who participated in the battle, walked more calmly in this quarter. Overall, Meituan achieved solid growth and handed over a financial report of both revenue and profit growth.

  From the surface, Meituan seized the opportunity of consumption recovery in 2024, effectively grasping the rebound of the industry on the basis of the continuous and steady growth of China’s local commercial industry. But a closer look at the reasons behind it shows that the first quarter is a low season, and theoretically the Spring Festival holiday will reduce transactions, but the financial report data shows that Meituan’s stability in the basic market can cope with the cyclical fluctuations caused by seasonal consumer demand and reduce the impact on performance.

  Data show that in the first quarter of 2024, Meituan’s total revenue increased by 25% year-on-year to RMB 73.30 billion. Adjusted net profit increased by 36.4% year-on-year to RMB 7.50 billion. Under the situation of double growth in revenue and profit, both beat market expectations, which also shows that Meituan’s basic market remains solid.

  In terms of user scale and merchant scale, Meituan has accelerated growth for four consecutive quarters. In the first quarter, Meituan’s platform users and merchants both accelerated growth and hit a record high. Driven by this, the annual transaction user transaction frequency (ATU) has also steadily increased to more than 50 times, and high-frequency transactions also mean that users’ stickiness to Meituan has gradually strengthened.

  In the first quarter, Meituan continued to focus on the "Retail + Technology" strategy, investing 5 billion yuan to deeply cultivate the Chinese consumer market and local service fields, and continued to promote the efficiency of the retail industry through technological innovation.

  In fact, the second half of the Internet should be driven not only by user requests, but also by core technologies. In order to build a user-centric moat, Meituan has been continuously exploring in the field of technology since the announcement of the "Retail + Technology" strategy in 2021. Whether it is in hardware, software or AI exploration, it shows Meituan’s determination to improve operational efficiency and optimize user experience.

  "As a beneficiary of the growth of the industry, Meituan will continue to firmly fulfill the mission of’helping everyone eat better and live better ‘, actively lead the digital transformation and upgrading of the retail industry, and believe that in the future, there will be more synergy effects between various businesses, and continue to create greater value for all industry participants."

  Core local business seeks innovation while maintaining stability, and business synergies amplify the effect

  Driven by digitalization, Meituan’s core local business revenue increased by 27% year-on-year to 54.60 billion yuan, a figure that not only broke a historical record, but also demonstrated the strength of Meituan’s core moat.

  In this wave of growth, Meituan’s takeaway business has contributed to it, continuing to maintain high-quality growth. Annual active users have increased to nearly 500 million, and the transaction frequency of medium and high-frequency users has further increased year-on-year. This huge user base has provided more impetus for Meituan, and the number of instant delivery orders on the platform has increased by 28% year-on-year to 5.46 billion in the quarter.

  It is worth noting that the concept of "everything at home" that can be bought in anything has been continuously proven in Meituan’s performance in recent quarters. Under the rapid development, more and more food delivery users have been converted into Meituan flash sale users. In the first quarter, Meituan flash sale had an average daily order volume of 8.40 million, and the number of annual active users and transaction frequency achieved a high year-on-year growth.

  In addition, in the first quarter, offline consumer demand continued to be strong, and Meituan’s wine and hospitality business also achieved solid growth. GTV grew by more than 60% year-on-year, and the number of annual transaction users increased by more than 37% year-on-year. The number of transaction users, merchants, and annual active merchants all hit record highs.

  Behind the solid development of core local business is a series of adjustments made by Meituan at the beginning of this year. For example, one core adjustment is that the in-store and in-home business are no longer distinct and belong to the core local business sector. Wang Puzhong, senior vice-president of Meituan, is responsible for it.

  Similar adjustments have promoted the synergy effect between various businesses. Taking the close bundling of home-to-home and in-store businesses as an example, diverting the huge traffic of home-to-home high frequency and high stickiness to the in-store business can motivate users to use the in-store wine and hotel business more frequently. From mid-May, Meituan membership benefits have been further expanded, expanding from the previous retail to in-store, hotel and travel businesses.

  This means that users can be effectively promoted to achieve more cross-consumption, promoting the conversion of users from one business to another.

  This program is an upgrade and innovation based on the instant delivery membership program that Meituan has accumulated over the past few years. Through the expansion of membership rights, Meituan will also strengthen cooperation with merchants in order to integrate and provide more products and services, including a large number of discounts. It is foreseeable that Meituan will improve future revenue growth and profitability through more synergy effects.

  Mr. Wang said that all core local business departments would work together in this direction in the future to explore new approaches and create synergies. But he also stressed that "it is too early to talk about these". Meituan was still in the process of restructuring its organisation to better support and integrate core local business sectors, he said.

  In the second half of local life, cost-effectiveness is a key word

  According to iResearch data, the size of the local living market is expected to grow to 35.30 trillion yuan in 2025. QuestMobile report shows that the local living comprehensive service industry has a network penetration rate of 38.4% in April 2023. Overall, the local living market is a relatively high-frequency and stable consumption scene, and it is one of the few tracks where there is still a large growth space.

  Looking around, local life has become a battleground for Internet Tech Giants. At a time when the competition in the local life track is heating up, multiple platforms have entered the local life track strongly. It is not difficult to find that in the second half of the Internet, many platforms have begun to use content as the carrier and low prices as the driving force, trying to break through in the track.

  As a technology retail enterprise rooted in the local consumer sector, Meituan also responds to the evolution of consumer demand, actively adjusts business strategies, continuously iterates, improves products, increases marketing and supply, and provides consumers with more cost-effective choices. Layout around low-cost takeaway group buying is the direction Meituan has found after hundreds of battles. From the financial report, this area includes "good meal", "god hot" and "brand satellite store".

  From 2020, Meituan began to pilot the business of Pin Haofan, which involves multiple people buying low-priced takeaway food. Originally positioned as a low-priced takeaway product for the lower-tier market, Pin Haofan has now entered most markets in the country, including first- and second-tier cities. By the first quarter of this year, the peak daily order volume of "Pin Haofan" reached a new high.

  "God Snatch" was hatched by Meituan from the home scene, and penetrated low prices into all Meituan order scenes in the form of coupons in the live stream and at the independent entrance. It strengthens marketing solutions for merchants, and also conducts marketing activities on holidays to further stimulate consumer demand, thereby helping merchants acquire customers more efficiently.

  In addition, Meituan launched a "brand satellite store" for well-known chain restaurant brands. In this model, merchants do not provide dine-in food, but only provide high-quality and cost-effective food delivery services, allowing merchants to operate at a more streamlined cost and provide consumers with lower prices under the premise of ensuring homogeneity. In the first quarter, Meituan brand satellite stores launched a 10,000-store rebate plan to help merchants and further enrich high-quality supply. As of the end of May this year, 45 brands have opened more than 560 brand satellite stores.

  While seizing market opportunities, Meituan also actively innovates marketing methods to meet the diverse needs of consumers. Holiday consumption, family dinners, etc. have become the focus of the following scenarios. Through innovative means such as live broadcast and () joint promotion, Meituan not only meets the needs of local residents, but also covers the needs of tourists and returnees to find local stores and discounts, further deepening consumers’ mentality for Meituan to provide cost-effective supplies.

  At present, "low price" has become the main theme of the Internet. In this context, Meituan’s excellent report card in the first quarter is not accidental, but the inevitable result of "retail + technology" long-term deep cultivation of the local life service market, insisting on user request-oriented, low price-oriented, and continuous integration of scenarios for innovation. In the future, Meituan will explore how to achieve better business synergy effect when expanding its basic market competitive advantage, which will also bring more imagination to Meituan.

Yang Mi appeared on the Milan show, fresh and refined, and transformed into an elegant little woman

Yang Mi becomes an elegant little woman

Yang Mi and designer Donatella Versace

    2012 Milan Fashion Week, local time on September 23, Yang Mi, a film and television diva in Milan, appeared at the show of the well-known Italian luxury brand Versace. Perhaps in order to match Versace’s classical aristocratic luxury style, Yang Mi changed the pretty dress of the previous trend princess and appeared in a fresh and refined makeup and an expensive Versace dress, transforming into an elegant little woman.

    After the show, Yang Mi was invited to the backstage to meet with Versace’s current designer, Donatella Versace. It is reported that due to Yang Mi’s eye-catching performance at Milan Fashion Week, she was also known for her weird designs. The young Milan brand moschino, which has only been established for 20 years, was invited to watch the show. At the moschino show, Yang Mi appeared in a rather girly and playful dress.

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Zhiji L7 users: Maybe this is the first car in China that is getting more and more valuable.

Reporter | Yan Yao

Image source | Provided by respondents

"I can’t wait to stroll around the street for half an hour, and I was actually hit by the’ original stone’. I am so lucky!" At 11 o’clock on the evening of August 7, in the expectation of Zhiji automobile users, the "Li program mining" in Yuanshigu was officially launched.

That night, more than 100 users in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu organized a parade called "The Night the Original Stone Came", and set off on a summer night to go to a "mining contract" for the original stone. "Zhiji has opened a door to a new world. Tonight’s’ original stone’ meteor shower has made more and more’ original stone’ watchers on the road." A car owner of Zhiji L7 who participated in the parade said.

The era of artificial intelligence is an era when users change the world. Based on the interpretation and reconstruction of the underlying logic in the intelligent era, Zhiji Automobile has created the "original stone valley", and the official landing of "program mining" is to truly combine the user’s driving experience in the real world with the data rights in the virtual world, driving the value growth of user data.

With 500 "original stones" falling from the sky every 10 minutes, Zhiji automobile users will dig 210 million original stones accounting for 70% of the total more quickly and directly, and accelerate the feedback of data rights. Since then, the "Yuanshigu User Data Rights Plan" initiated by Zhiji Automobile has really been fully implemented.

"The first car in China that is getting more and more valuable"

In the era of smart cars, no matter how good the hardware manufacturing of vehicles is, there will be ceilings, and the appearance of "original stone valley" will become a sharp weapon to pierce this ceiling.

"I’ve driven this road back and forth so many times, but this time I feel different." Mr. Jiang, the owner of Zhiji L7, said, "The more cars you drive, the more original stones you can get. This game is novel and interesting, which I think is quite interesting." From the moment the first original stone falls, the value system of the automobile industry will be re-established, and the intelligent auto time will completely change the width and depth of the individual’s life experience.

When the user drives the Zhiji L7 in the streets and alleys of the city, the effective mileage data rolls up and becomes the most important input of "Li-program rough stone mining". "Program mining is the essence of the original creation of Zhiji operation team, and it is also the key to let Zhiji users and Zhiji cars grow together." The person in charge of Zhiji Automobile said. Every kilometer and data of users are valuable, and Zhiji Automobile takes the lead in embracing the dividend of the times with users.

In the rule of "in-process mining", a batch of raw stone falls every 10 minutes, with a total of 144 batches falling every day. The total amount of rough stones will not increase, and the total amount of falling stones will be halved every four years. In the first four years, 500 pieces will be dropped in each batch, which will be "shared" by a certain proportion of mining vehicles. "The more you run on the road, the more mileage data you provide and the earlier the time, the greater the chance of harvesting the original stone and the more data rights you get."

On August 1, Zhiji Automobile completed the first round of market-oriented financing, with a post-investment valuation of nearly 30 billion yuan. "The valuation of Zhiji Automobile has improved, and my original stone is more fragrant." A user named "Original Stone one" said.

With the tightening investment environment, this "hot money" reflects the capital’s confidence in the new energy automobile industry, and also makes the young Zhiji automobile attract more attention. Some media commented that capital is often more optimistic about the long-term "players" who build cars in a down-to-earth manner than brands that are used to creating momentum with concepts.

"Every second of driving has something to look forward to"

With the fall of the "original stone", the night sky of the "original stone valley" was lit up. When a steady stream of data converge, the value rights and interests of user data become clearer: accumulating crystals and pioneering stones can be used to upgrade equipment and evolve vehicles. When the exchange window is opened, the original stone can be exchanged, including five categories of rights and interests: software and hardware upgrade, intellectual enjoyment service, limited boutique, digital collection and limited experience activities.

According to the sales data in July, the cumulative delivery volume of Zhiji L7 has reached 1,051 vehicles, and it has become the fastest delivery volume to exceed 1,000 vehicles among luxury pure electric vehicles with a price of more than 350,000 yuan in China. "Many users have traveled thousands of kilometers in a month, and these driving data are turned into data rights in the virtual world and accumulated in the’ data pool’." The person in charge of Zhiji Automobile said.

With the beginning of the first batch of "programming mining" rough stones, Zhiji automobile users took the lead in organically combining the driving experience in the real world with the data rights in the virtual world. It is reported that with the blockchain technology as the technical base of the original stone chain, Zhiji Automobile will put a total of 300 million pieces of original stone winding certificates, which guarantees the security of data, the privacy of information, and the inviolability of transactions. Forgeable, ensuring that every user can obtain data rights fairly and justly.

It is reported that IM GO! It will be officially launched on IM Zhiji APP at the end of August, and will unlock the rich new gameplay of "rough stone mining" for users one after another. "As long as you drive with wisdom, you will have something to look forward to every second of driving!" Zhiji L7 users said.

Record of the Press Conference of the White Paper "China’s National Defense in the New Era" by Information Office

  The press conference of the State Council Office. China Net Sun Yushe

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, the State Council Press Office published a white paper entitled "China’s National Defense in the New Era" and held a press conference in the press room of the State Council Press Office at 10 am that day. Hu Kaihong, spokesperson of the State Council Press Office, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Major General Cai Zhijun, deputy director of the Operations Bureau of the Joint Staff of the Central Military Commission, Colonel Pan Qinghua, deputy director of the Propaganda Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, Senior Colonel Wang Taiguo, deputy director of the Finance Bureau of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission, and Senior Colonel Wang Weijun, deputy director of the Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the Reform and Establishment Office of the Central Military Commission, were invited to attend, introduce and interpret the white paper and answer questions from reporters.

  The State Council Press Office published a white paper entitled "China’s national defense in the new era". China Net Sun Yushe

Hu Kaihong, spokesperson of the State Council Press Office:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference held by the State Council Information Office today. Today, the Press Office of the State Council, China published a white paper entitled "China’s National Defense in the New Era" and held a press conference to introduce and interpret the main contents of the white paper. Present at today’s press conference are: Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense; Major General Cai Zhijun, Operations Bureau of the Joint Staff of the Central Military Commission; Colonel Pan Qinghua, Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission; Senior Colonel Wang Taiguo, Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission; and Senior Colonel Wang Wei, Reform and Establishment Office of the Central Military Commission. I am Hu Kaihong, spokesperson of the State Council Press Office, and I will preside over today’s press conference.

First of all, I will make an introduction to the contents of the white paper.

The White Paper "China’s National Defense in the New Era" is the first comprehensive national defense white paper published by China since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Focusing on the concern of the international community for the development of China’s army, the White Paper comprehensively and systematically introduces the characteristics, important principles and basic connotations of China’s defensive national defense policy in the new era, and clarifies the mission and tasks of the "four strategic supports" of China’s army in the new era for the first time. Fully expound the distinctive features of China’s national defense in the new era, which is "never seeking hegemony, never expanding and never seeking sphere of influence", fully expound the reasonable and moderate defense expenditure of China, fully expound the world significance of the development of China’s army in the new era and the positive contribution made by China’s army to promoting the construction of a community of human destiny. The full text of the white paper is about 27,000 words, which consists of four parts: preface, text, conclusion and appendix.

The white paper points out that today’s world is experiencing a great change that has never happened in a century. The world’s multi-polarization, economic globalization, social informationization and cultural diversity are developing in depth. The trend of the times of "peace, development, cooperation and win-win" is irreversible, but the instability and uncertainty faced by international security are more prominent. The international strategic pattern has profoundly evolved, the security situation in the Asia-Pacific region is generally stable, the risks and challenges facing China’s national security cannot be ignored, the international military competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the world is not peaceful.

The white paper points out that China will unswervingly pursue a defensive national defense policy. The fundamental goal of China’s national defense in the new era is to resolutely defend national sovereignty and security and develop interests. Its distinctive feature is that it will never seek hegemony, expansion and sphere of influence. Its strategic guidance is to implement the military strategic policy of the new era. Its development path is to stick to the road of strengthening the army with China characteristics, and its world significance is to serve and build a community of human destiny.

The white paper points out that in the new era, China’s army has resolutely fulfilled the mission entrusted by the Party and the people in accordance with the strategic requirements of national security and development, and provided strategic support for consolidating the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s leadership and socialist system, defending national sovereignty and unifying territorial integrity, safeguarding national overseas interests and promoting world peace and development.

The white paper points out that in the new era, China has comprehensively promoted the modernization of national defense and the armed forces, comprehensively deepened the reform of national defense and the armed forces, reshaped the leadership and command system, optimized the scale structure and strength, promoted the reform of the military policy system, adjusted and reformed the arms and services and the armed police force, promoted the all-round construction of national defense and the armed forces, and made historic steps to strengthen the army and revitalize it.

The white paper points out that China’s armed forces faithfully practice the concept of a community of human destiny, firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, promote the construction of a new security partnership featuring equality, mutual trust and win-win cooperation, promote the construction of a regional security cooperation framework, properly handle territorial issues and maritime delimitation disputes, actively provide international public security products, and strive to contribute to the construction of a beautiful world with lasting peace and universal security.




  国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校回答提问。中国网 孙宇 摄

国防部新闻发言人 吴谦:


The white paper "China’s National Defense in the New Era" is divided into four parts: preface, text, conclusion and appendix, with a total of about 27,000 words. The text includes six chapters: the international security situation, China’s defensive national defense policy in the new era, fulfilling the mission of the army in the new era, China’s national defense and army in reform, reasonable and moderate national defense expenditure, and active service to build a community of human destiny. The appendix includes ten tables, which mainly introduce the basic situation of the organs and departments of the Central Military Commission, the scale structure of China’s defense expenditure, the major joint training activities of the PLA and the Armed Police Force since 2012, and the major United Nations peacekeeping operations that the China Army participated in.

The main contents of the white paper "China’s National Defense in the New Era" include six aspects:

First, objectively analyze the current international security situation and China’s security environment. The white paper points out that today’s world is experiencing a great change that has never happened in a century. The instability and uncertainty facing the world are more prominent, international strategic competition is on the rise, global and regional security issues are increasing, international military competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the world is not peaceful. However, it must be noted that promoting peace, stability and development have become the universal demands of the international community. The rise of peace forces far exceeds the growth of war factors, and the trend of the times of peace, development, cooperation and win-win is irreversible. At the same time, the white paper points out that China’s national security situation is generally stable, but it faces multiple and complex security threats and challenges, especially the anti-secession struggle.

Second, systematically expound China’s defensive national defense policy in the new era. The white paper emphasizes that resolutely defending the interests of national sovereignty, security and development is the fundamental goal of China’s national defense in the new era. Insisting on never seeking hegemony, never expanding and never seeking the sphere of influence is the distinctive feature of China’s national defense in the new era, and implementing the military strategic policy in the new era is the strategic guidance of China’s national defense in the new era. Adhering to the road of strengthening the army with China characteristics is the development path of China’s national defense in the new era. Serving and building a community of human destiny is the world significance of China’s national defense in the new era.

Third, comprehensively introduce China’s army’s mission in the new era. The white paper makes it clear that the mission of China’s army in the new era is "four strategic supports", and introduces the application of Chinese armed forces from seven aspects: safeguarding national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, maintaining a constant state of readiness, carrying out actual combat military training, safeguarding major security interests, carrying out anti-terrorism and maintaining stability, safeguarding overseas interests, and participating in emergency rescue and disaster relief.

Fourth, introduce the historical achievements in deepening the reform of national defense and the army in a panoramic way. The white paper systematically introduces China’s army’s efforts to reshape its leadership and command system, optimize its scale structure and strength, and promote the reform of its military policy system. This paper comprehensively introduces the basic situation of the services and armed police forces after the adjustment and reform, as well as the overall construction of national defense and the army in terms of ideology and politics, military theory, weapons and equipment, logistics support, etc., and shows the brand-new image of China’s army after the reform.

Fifth, introduce China’s defense expenditure in many dimensions. The white paper combs the development course of China’s defense expenditure since the reform and opening up, comprehensively introduces the scale structure and basic use of China’s defense expenditure since 2012, and reflects the openness and transparency of China’s defense expenditure. In addition, the white paper also makes an international comparison of defense expenditure, which shows that China’s defense expenditure is reasonable and moderate.

Sixth, introduce in depth the positive efforts and great contributions made by China’s army in maintaining world peace and stability and serving to build a community of human destiny. The white paper points out that building a community of human destiny conforms to the trend of peaceful development and reflects the common expectations of people of all countries. The white paper gives a detailed introduction from five aspects: safeguarding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, promoting the construction of a new security partnership, promoting the construction of a regional security cooperation framework, properly handling territorial issues and maritime delimitation disputes, and actively providing international public safety products.

The new version of the white paper has been innovated and developed on the basis of inheriting the tradition. Compared with the past, it mainly has the following characteristics:

First, the defensive national defense policy system of China in the new era is constructed for the first time. The white paper states that China’s nature as a socialist country, its strategic choice of taking the road of peaceful development, its independent foreign policy of peace and the Chinese cultural tradition of "harmony is the most important thing" determine that China will unswervingly pursue a defensive national defense policy. The white paper reveals the strategic, stable and systematic nature of China’s defensive national defense policy by enriching and perfecting the new era connotation of national defense policy.

Second, the mission and task of China army in the new era are expounded for the first time. The white paper clearly states that the mission of China Army in the new era is "four strategic supports", namely: to provide strategic support for consolidating the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s leadership and socialist system; Provide strategic support for safeguarding national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; Provide strategic support for safeguarding the country’s overseas interests; Provide strategic support for promoting world peace and development. The white paper expounds the defensive, just and limited nature of the construction and application of the armed forces by introducing the concrete practice of China’s army in fulfilling its mission in the new era.

Thirdly, it is pointed out for the first time that "never seek hegemony, never expand and never seek spheres of influence" is a distinctive feature of China’s national defense in the new era. The White Paper reaffirms the essential nature of China’s national defense and self-defense, emphasizes China’s national defense construction and development, and always focuses on meeting the legitimate needs of its own security, which is always the growth of world peace forces. Through the policy declaration, the white paper profoundly reveals that China will never pursue hegemony and "a strong country will dominate". No matter where it develops in the future, China will never threaten anyone or seek to establish a sphere of influence.





Hu Kaihong:




Wu Qian:






  中央军委联合参谋部作战局副局长蔡志军少将回答提问。中国网 孙宇 摄

中央军委联合参谋部作战局副局长 蔡志军:





American cable news reporter:

We have seen that the US military has made a statement to the South Korean side on the incident that Chinese and Russian military aircraft "invaded" South Korea’s airspace, saying that the US military has closely coordinated with South Korea and Japan’s allies on this matter and will also communicate with the Chinese and Russian armed forces through diplomatic channels. I don’t know what kind of confirmation and response the China military can make on this matter. There is also a related issue. The new US Defense Secretary Esper was inaugurated in Washington yesterday. Esper is recognized as a hardliner against China in the United States. Earlier this year, he said that the strategic competitive relationship between the Chinese and American armed forces is the basis of his entire cognitive system, and also indicated that the Chinese and Russian armed forces have vigorously developed their military capabilities and weapons and equipment in recent years, which is a long-term threat to the United States. Many people think that the US military will be more willing to openly confront China’s army after he becomes defense chief. What’s your response? Are you worried about the relationship between the Chinese and American armed forces after Esper became the defense chief? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

Let me answer your first question first. On July 23rd, the air forces of China and Russia organized the first joint air strategic cruise in Northeast Asia. China sent two H -6K aircraft to form a mixed formation with two Tu -95 aircraft from Russia, and organized a joint cruise in the relevant airspace of the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea according to the established route. During the flight, the aircraft of the air forces of the two countries strictly observed the relevant provisions of international law and did not enter the airspace of other countries.

The purpose of this joint cruise is to deepen and develop the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Russia in the new era, further enhance the strategic cooperation level and joint action capability of the Chinese and Russian armed forces, and jointly safeguard global strategic stability. This action is a project in the annual cooperation plan between the Chinese and Russian armed forces and is not aimed at third parties.

At the same time, we have also noticed that the Russian Ministry of Defense has issued a statement on this, and I suggest you read it.

On the second question, we are also concerned about the appointment of Defense Minister Esper as the US Secretary of Defense. We congratulate him on this and hope that the relations between the Chinese and American armed forces will develop healthily and steadily during the tenure of Defense Minister Esper. However, I would like to emphasize two points here: First, China’s sovereignty, security and development interests are inviolable. Second, the development of China’s military power is entirely the development of world peace forces. Thank you.



中央军委改革和编制办公室协调督查局副局长王伟海军大校回答提问。中国网 孙宇 摄

中央军委改革和编制办公室协调督查局副局长 王伟:



The second question is about policy system reform. This military policy system reform is an important content and an important guarantee for deepening the reform of national defense and the army. It involves all fields, aspects and links of military practice and is systematic, holistic and coordinated. The most striking feature of this military policy system reform is to profoundly grasp the characteristics and internal mechanism of policy system construction and do a good job in top-level planning and system design. Adhere to the military policy system reform in the overall situation of strengthening the country and the military, and promote it in the process of building a world-class army, remould the whole from the four links of command, construction, management and supervision, clearly put forward the establishment and improvement of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s military policy system, and put forward the layout of the military party building system, military force application policy system, military force building policy system and military management policy system. This "one big system, four big plates" has clear orientation, comprehensive coverage, tight structure and internal coordination, which conforms to China’s national conditions and military situation and adapts to the requirements of the new era, new mission and new system.

The main arrangement of this policy system reform is to complete the main policy system reform in all fields of various systems and build the basic framework of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s military policy system before 2020. By 2022, we will improve the supporting policy system in various fields and build a relatively complete military policy system in Socialism with Chinese characteristics. After last year’s work conference on policy system reform of the Central Military Commission, all departments and major units of the Central Military Commission combined with their respective tasks to formulate road maps and construction drawings in different fields. At present, the reform of military policy system is progressing in an orderly manner as planned. At the same time, focusing on the urgent need for reform, preparation for war and officers’ eagerness, we have jointly promulgated a series of policy systems, such as strengthening the construction of military party organizations, improving the treatment guarantee for officers and men, commanding officers in joint operations, military training supervision, and civilian employment management. There are 27 policy systems in this regard, all of which have been completed in the first half of this year, and relevant information has also been disclosed in the media. If you want to have a comprehensive understanding, you can look them up.

The promulgation of these policies and systems has played an important role in deepening the effectiveness of reform, concentrating on training and preparing for war, and responding to the concerns of officers and men, and has been highly praised by the army.

China International Television (CGTN) reporter from Central Radio and Television General Station:

We have noticed that this white paper mentions that an important strategic task of China’s army is to protect overseas interests, which will mean that China’s army will participate more in overseas military operations. May I ask the spokesman, is this kind of action inconsistent with the peaceful development path of China’s army emphasized in the white paper? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

Let me answer this question. The short answer is that there is no contradiction between the two. On the one hand, China’s army goes to the world in order to effectively safeguard the country’s overseas interests and better fulfill its military mission in the new era. On the other hand, it is to meet the general expectations of the international community and provide more public safety products. In the white paper, you can find many such examples, whether it is peacekeeping, escort or humanitarian relief and disaster reduction. China’s nature as a socialist country, its strategic choice to take the road of peaceful development, its independent foreign policy of peace and the Chinese cultural tradition of "harmony is the most important thing" determine that China will always pursue a defensive national defense policy, and never seek hegemony, expansion and sphere of influence are the distinctive features of China’s national defense in the new era. In other words, China’s army’s going to the world has brought security rather than threats, opportunities rather than challenges to the world. Thank you.

Phoenix TV reporter:

We saw this white paper, which was the first comprehensive white paper after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Compared with the previous white paper, it is found that there have been great changes in the judgment of the security situation, especially in the part of national security risks. It is very clear that "the situation of the anti-secession struggle is more severe", which was only a point in the past, without clearly listing the specific security threats, and the term "more severe" is different from the past. Excuse me, how is this change considered? Thank you.

Wu Qian:




  中央军委政治工作部宣传局潘庆华上校回答提问。中国网 孙宇 摄

中央军委政治工作部宣传局 潘庆华:


Global Times reporter:

According to foreign media reports, Qian Weiping, former vice minister of the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission, was arrested for espionage. Can the Ministry of National Defense confirm and comment?

Wu Qian:

I can tell you clearly that Qian Weiping’s involvement in espionage is not true. It is understood that Qian Weiping was investigated by the Supervision Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Military Commission on suspicion of serious violation of discipline and duty crimes.

Hong Kong Wen Wei Po reporter:

I noticed that the fifth chapter of the white paper talked about national defense expenditure. At the end of page 42, it was mentioned that China’s national defense expenditure is far from the needs of safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, and the needs of fulfilling the international responsibilities of big countries, and the needs of its own construction and development. How do you understand this sentence? Thank you.

  Wang Taiguo, Deputy Director of Finance Bureau of Logistics Support Department of Central Military Commission, answered questions. China Net Sun Yushe

Wang Taiguo, Deputy Director of Finance Bureau of Logistics Support Department of Central Military Commission:

In the new era, China’s army has resolutely fulfilled the mission entrusted by the Party and the people according to the strategic needs of national security and development, and provided strategic support for consolidating the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s leadership and socialist system, defending national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, safeguarding national overseas interests and promoting world peace and development.

However, China is the only big country in the world that has not yet achieved complete reunification, and it is one of the countries with the most complicated security situation around the world. China’s army is facing severe challenges in safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests.

At present, global problems and challenges continue to increase. With the development of the armed forces of China and China, the international community’s expectations for China’s military to provide international public safety products are increasing. China’s army has actively fulfilled its international responsibilities and participated extensively in peacekeeping, escort and disaster relief, and will invest more and more in this field in the future.

At the same time, China’s army is in the stage of information transformation, and the task of adapting to the development trend of the new military revolution in the world and promoting military transformation with China characteristics is arduous and arduous, so it can be said that there is still a long way to go.

Because of this, there is still a big gap between China’s national defense expenditure and the demand for safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, and the demand for fulfilling the international responsibilities and obligations of big countries, and the demand for its own construction and development. China’s defense expenditure will be coordinated with the national economic development level and will continue to maintain moderate and steady growth.

Taiwan Province China Times reporter:

Page 15 of the white paper mentions organizing warships to cruise around the island. We know that there are still six months before the 2020 general election in Taiwan Province next year. Will the PLA increase the frequency of warships cruising around the island? There is public opinion in Taiwan Province that the greater the PLA’s action, the more it means that the mainland is suppressing and threatening Taiwan Province, which is tantamount to helping Democratic Progressive Party’s candidates in their election and boosting their election situation. I wonder what the mainland will think? In addition, a few days ago, during Tsai Ing-Wen’s visit, the Ministry of National Defense of the mainland released a message saying that the People’s Liberation Army held a routine military exercise on the southeast coast. The Global Times also quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that five services were mobilized to participate in joint exercises, which formed a shock to Taiwan. Please tell me about the exercise.

Wu Qian:

Indeed, as you said, Taiwan Province is mentioned in many places in the White Paper, which shows that the Taiwan Province issue concerns China’s core interests and is extremely important. We believe that blood is thicker than water, and we are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and best efforts. But we must firmly point out that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end. If anyone dares to try to split Taiwan Province from China, China’s army will resolutely defend the country’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity at all costs.

Regarding the second question about the exercises in the southeast coast, the Ministry of National Defense has released information on this issue, and I have nothing to add here.

China News Service reporter:

It is mentioned in the white paper that the strategic guidance of China’s national defense in the new era is to implement the military strategic policy in the new era. Is there any further content of the military strategic policy in this new era that can be disclosed and introduced? Thank you.

Cai Zhijun:

Thank you for your question. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our army has inherited the strategic thought and tradition of active defense, and has made eight major adjustments to the military strategic policy, once every eight to ten years on average. Each major adjustment is mainly based on three factors: First, the party’s strategic thought and military policy are the fundamental guidance for formulating and adjusting the military strategic policy; Second, the major changes in the international strategic pattern and their impact on the national security environment are the objective basis for formulating and adjusting the military’s strategic guidelines; Third, the development and progress of science and technology has triggered profound changes in the military field, especially the evolution of war forms, which is the main motivation for formulating and adjusting military strategic policies.



Hu Kaihong:

Time relationship, the last two questions.

New york Times reporter:

I want to ask two questions: First, the white paper points out that China is committed to partnership rather than alliance. However, it was also mentioned before that China and Russian troops conducted a joint cruise yesterday. Will China continue to carry out similar joint cruise missions with Russia and other countries in the future? Second, it was reported this week that China will build a military base in Cambodia. Will China build military bases in Cambodia and other countries in the future?

Wu Qian:

Your question just now contains several minor questions, and I will answer them one by one.

First, regarding China’s foreign military relations, China has actively developed constructive foreign military relations and formed a new pattern of all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level military diplomacy. We are committed to dialogue, non-confrontation and non-alignment. You mentioned in your question whether China and Russia will continue to hold such joint strategic cruises, and the Chinese and Russian armed forces will negotiate and determine various pragmatic cooperation projects in the future. As we all know, as Sino-Russian relations have entered a new era, so have the relations between the Chinese and Russian armed forces. Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the Chinese and Russian armed forces will continuously push the Sino-Russian military relations in the new era to a new historical height. The two sides will increase mutual support on issues involving each other’s core interests, improve exchange and cooperation mechanisms at all levels and in various fields, and cooperate in high-level exchanges, strategic cooperation, actual combat training, equipment technology development, and counter-terrorism, so as to continue to provide positive energy for maintaining world peace and global strategic stability.

You also mentioned the so-called issue of China building a military base in Cambodia, which has been rumored by relevant departments before. This statement is not true. The Chinese and Cambodian armed forces have always carried out good exchanges and cooperation in military training, personnel training, logistics equipment, etc. This cooperation is not directed at third parties.

Hu Kaihong:

One last question.

Hong kong NOW broadband TV reporter:

There have been so many conflicts and demonstrations in Hong Kong recently. How does the Ministry of National Defense judge the situation in Hong Kong? Also, will you feel that some "Hong Kong independence" forces are also on the rise, and how will the Ministry of National Defense handle this matter?

Wu Qian:

Recently, we have been paying close attention to the development of the situation in Hong Kong, especially to the demonstrations and violent incidents that took place on the 21st and the attacks by militants on the Liaison Office, to which the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office has responded. The actions of some radical demonstrators challenge the authority of the central government and touch the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems", which is absolutely intolerable. The Pearl of the Orient cannot be defiled. Regarding your specific question, Article 14 of Chapter 3 of the Garrison Law has clearly stipulated it.

Hu Kaihong:

Today’s press conference is over. Thank you, everyone.

US media: The suppression of ZTE by the United States stems from the panic about the rise of China’s science and technology! Those who hurt will hurt themselves, foreign media said

  On the 16th local time, the US Department of Commerce announced that American companies will be banned from selling parts, commodities, software and technology to ZTE in the next seven years. A heavy punch hit ZTE.

  Sino-US trade friction has lasted for 30 days since US President Trump announced the imposition of punitive tariffs on various goods in China on March 23rd.

  Is this move of the United States in the name of "national security of the United States" really just competing with China in trade?

  The ulterior motive to ban sales actually stems from the panic of the United States about the rise of science and technology in China.

  "Trade war"? The United States wants to fight technology.

  The Wall Street Journal published an article a few days ago, pointing out the real exchange area of the "trade war" between the two countries:Field of science and technology.


  In the trade war with China, American science and technology field was besieged by war.

  At the beginning of the article, if you think that the trade friction between China and the United States is only about steel and soybeans, then you have to think about it:

  If you think the rising economic tensions between the U.S. and China are all to do with commodities like steel and soybeans, think again. The tech sector is very much in the crossfire.

  If you think that the trade friction between China and the United States is only related to commodities such as steel and soybeans, you need to think twice, because the field of science and technology is in full swing.

  What the Trump administration is worried about is the technological advantages of these enterprises in China:

  Besides the generally negative tone of U.S.-China trade relations, the Trump administration is also worried about ZTE and Huawei’ s growing technological edge: The two companies led the world in patent applications in 2017, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization.

  In addition to the negative tone of Sino-US trade relations, the Trump administration is also worried about the growing technological advantages of ZTE and Huawei: according to the World Intellectual Property Organization, these two companies led the world in the number of patent applications in 2017.

   The United States is worried about the development of 5G by China science and technology enterprises

  What is the United States particularly worried about? The article pointed out that it is the 5G technology of these enterprises. This is likely to make the United States lag behind in communication technology, and it can only rely on China science and technology enterprises in the future:

  A specific concern is that their massive investment in next-generation mobile-network technology, known as 5G, could leave American wireless carriers with no choice but to use Chinese technology in future.

  A very specific concern is that they (ZTE and Huawei) have invested heavily in 5G, which may make American wireless operators have to rely on China technology in the future.

  The article said that this is the same as the US government’s intervention in Qualcomm’s acquisition, and they are all worried that their own development of 5G will be blocked:

  The move against ZTE is consistent with the U.S. government’ s decision last month to block Singapore-based Broadcom ’ s proposed takeover of Qualcomm, on the grounds it would undermine U.S. strength in 5G technology.

  Last month, the U.S. government blocked Broadcom’s request to acquire Qualcomm on the grounds that it would damage the U.S. advantage in 5G technology, which is actually a routine with its sanctions against ZTE.

   Dissatisfied with Made in China 2025ZTE wants to play a big game of chess.

  The New York Times said that the United States has long been staring at China’s 2025 and wants to play a big game with China in cutting-edge technology, trying to prevent China from leading some technology industries:


  China enterprises are banned from buying American parts.

  The article writes:

  That trade clash now centers heavily on cutting-edge technology. The Trump administration accuses China of using coercion and illicit means to obtain A merican technology. In particular, it has criticized an industrial plan known as Made in China 2025 that seeks to make China a world leader in industries like robotics, electric cars and medical devices.

  Now, this trade conflict mainly focuses on cutting-edge technology. The Trump administration accused China of using coercion and illegal means to acquire American technology, and was particularly dissatisfied with the industrial plan of Made in China 2025. The plan seeks to make China a world leader in areas such as robots, electric cars and medical equipment.

  In a bid to stop China from dominating these industries, the White House has proposed limiting American exports of semiconductors and advanced machinery to the country. That could happen through new investme nt restrictions, which are slated to be announced in the coming months.

  The White House tried to prevent China from leading these industries, and proposed to restrict the export of semiconductors and advanced machinery from the United States to China. This may be achieved through new investment restrictions, which will be announced in the coming months.

  The New York Times also said that in recent years, China has made considerable progress in some fields such as artificial intelligence:

  While China has long been viewed as the lower-cost producer for technology companies in the United States, it has in recent years gained considerable ground in areas like artificial intelligence. Last year, China unveiled a plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence and create an industry worth $150 billion to its economy by 2030.

  Although China has long been regarded as a low-cost producer of American technology companies, in recent years, China has made considerable progress in artificial intelligence and other fields. Last year, China announced its plan to become a world leader in the field of artificial intelligence and turn it into an industry worth 150 billion US dollars (about 940 billion yuan) by 2030.

  The American media Axios also published an article saying that this is due to the panic of China technology:

  The United States is alarmed by the threat of science and technology in China.

  Can the United States really get the upper hand by sanctioning China’s enterprises?

  Those who hurt people will hurt themselves. The United States has shot at ZTE this time. Many American media commented that it was shooting themselves in the foot:


  WSJ: In the war of science and technology between China and the United States, the United States killed 1,000 enemies and suffered 800 losses.

  Fu Cheng, the founder chairman of China Capital Capital, described the US sanctions against ZTE as follows:

  the fraughtest moment in the 30-year history of U.S.-China technology trade and mutual reliance

  The most worrying moment in the 30-year history of Sino-US science and technology trade and interdependence.

  Worried, worried

   American chipmakers are also having a hard time.

  Just as many industries in China depend on American chips, the American chip market also needs China. Qualcomm has been pushed to an extremely embarrassing situation by its own country:

  The block put the mobile-chip company firmly at the center of a growing tech rivalry between its home country and its biggest market: China, which accounts for almost two-thirds of Qualcomm’ s revenue.

  The ban puts Qualcomm, a mobile phone chip company, at the center of the technological contest between China and the United States, while China is Qualcomm’s largest market, and two-thirds of Qualcomm’s revenue comes from China.

  And because of this, Qualcomm’s plan to acquire NXP, a Dutch company, may be implicated and forced to shelve:

  China’ s Commerce Ministry spokesman, Gao Feng, said Thursday a preliminary review of Qualcomm’ s NXP deal turned up issues that make “it difficult to eliminate the negative impact,” but he didn’ t rule out the possibility of an eventual approval.

  Gao Feng, spokesman of China’s Ministry of Commerce, said on 19th that he was reviewing the case of Qualcomm’s acquisition of NXP, and thought that the merger was "difficult to eliminate the negative impact", but he did not rule out the possibility of final approval.

  Qualcomm said Thursday that it refiled its application with Chinese regulators, and agreed with NXP to extend the deal’ s deadline by three months to July 25.

  Qualcomm said on the 19th that it had resubmitted its application to China and agreed with NXP to extend the trading deadline by three months to July 25th.

  It is reported that according to anti-monopoly laws, this transaction needs to be approved by the regulatory authorities of nine countries and regions. After many games, the EU finally gave the green light, and now it only needs the approval of the Ministry of Commerce of China.

  The article said:

  The deal is seen as crucial to San Diego-based Qualcomm, which needs to look for growth beyond its dominance in the smartphone sector. NXP specializes in making chips for automobiles, a rapidly growing market.

  This acquisition is particularly important for Qualcomm in San Diego, which needs to seek growth outside its dominant smart phone industry, while NXP specializes in mobile phone chip manufacturing, which is a fast-growing market.

  According to the article, the interdependence of Chinese and American technology companies proves that the war of science and technology is not a zero-sum game, and Qualcomm is one of the injured scientific enterprises in the United States:

  The interdependence of technology companies across the Pacific means that a tech war isn’ t a zero-sum game. Qualcomm is one of several U.S. suppliers hurt by the ban on sales to ZTE.

  The interdependence of trans-Pacific technology companies shows that the war of technology is not a zero-sum game. Qualcomm is one of the injured suppliers who banned ZTE in the United States.

  According to a report by Bloomberg on the 19th, in order to reduce costs, Qualcomm has begun to lay off employees on a large scale:

  Qualcomm Inc. has begun cutting about 1, 500 jobs in California as part of a broader workforce reduction aimed at meeting a commitment to investors to pare costs by $1 billion, according to people familiar with the process.

  According to people familiar with the matter, Qualcomm has started to cut about 1,500 jobs in California, which is also part of a broader layoff plan aimed at fulfilling its promise to investors to cut costs by $1 billion.

   American farmers have added new worries

  A while ago, foreign media had lamented that a trade war between China and the United States would bring a disastrous blow to American farmers.

  However, the recent US sanctions against China technology companies will deal a blow to American farmers on the other hand: Internet speed.

  According to the Shi Ying Finance website, the Federal Communications Commission voted for a measure that will prevent American operators from using federal funds to buy network equipment from companies such as Huawei and ZTE.

  The article is worried about the network in rural America:

  Cutting out the Chinese companies from rural markets could place significant financial pressure on carriers and reduce their ability to provide adequate connectivity.

  Driving China companies out of the US rural market may bring huge financial pressure to operators and reduce their ability to provide adequate network connections.

  The sanctions imposed on ZTE have aroused the hearts of China people.

  The pain of ZTE’s "chip" made us aware of our shortcomings, and at the same time aroused the hearts of Chinese people.

  Foreign media have also noticed this.

  The Hill said:The United States’ ban on ZTE aroused the unity of China people.

  The report said:

  The Chinese are now rallying around telecommunications company ZTE Corp. in response to a U.S. ban on sales of components to the Chinese company.

  China people are now united around ZTE, a telecommunications company, to resist the US decision to ban the sale of components.

  Reuters also reported that:

  Chinese social media has seen an outpouring of support for ZTE.

  A large number of comments from netizens have sprung up on social media in China to support ZTE.

  The commentary in South China Morning Post thinks that ZTE may become an opportunity for China if it dies.

  Why does the United States sanction ZTE or become the best driving force to boost China’s chip ambition?

  According to the article, the China administration will therefore work hard to get rid of its dependence on the United States in the semiconductor field:

  The shock of possibly seeing one of its star state owned tech companies struggle for survival will push Beijing even harder in its efforts to reduce re liance on some US$200 billion of annual semiconductor imports, which it fears holds back its own technology sector.

  Seeing that the technology giants of state-owned enterprises will be struggling to survive, the China government is shocked and will make every effort to get rid of the annual semiconductor import of about 200 billion US dollars. The government is worried that these imported semiconductors will hinder the development of the country’s science and technology field.

  The article notes that the China government has already invested a lot of money in the semiconductor field and was established.National integrated circuit industry investment fundGive financial support to domestic semiconductor enterprises in the form of direct shareholding.

  China’ s National Integrated Circuits Industry Investment Fund, a central government subsidy programme aimed at reducing the country’ s reliance on foreign microchips, wants to raise as much as 200 billion yuan (US$32 billion) in its latest round of funding. The first round of about 140 billion yuan was allocated to more than 20 companies.

  It is reported that China National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund (a government subsidy project aimed at reducing dependence on foreign chips) plans to raise 200 billion RMB in the latest fundraising. The 140 billion yuan raised in the first phase has been invested in more than 20 enterprises.

  The commentary is optimistic that China has enough capital and market to support its own chip industry, and the key lies in a breakthrough:

  China has the capital and the consumer market to support its own chip industry, but the road to get there won’ t be easy. More often than not, a crisis is the best way to achieve a breakthrough – perhaps in a new technology that could make current manufacturing methods obsolete and vault the inventor to No 1 position.

  China has enough capital and consumer market to support its own chip industry, but the road is tortuous. Usually, a crisis may be the best way to find a breakthrough. Perhaps China can develop new technologies and eliminate the current manufacturing methods, so as to jump to the top.

  Editor: Li Xueqing Juicy Zuo

Shanghai Huangpu: "Night District Chief" and "Night CEO" Help "Night Economy"

  Cctv news(Reporter Wang Jingyuan): In June, Shanghai opened the busiest time at night. On June 5, 2021, BFC Bund Financial Center (hereinafter referred to as BFC) opened the first BFC Bund Music Season for 23 days to help Shanghai’s "June 6 Nightlife Festival", and set off a new wave of summer music on the first anniversary of the opening of Fengjing Street on the Bund to show the wonderful nightlife on the Bund.

  Maple Trail on the Bund is a microcosm of the prosperity and development of Shanghai’s "night economy". In order to fully launch the "Shanghai Shopping" brand, in 2019, Huangpu District of Shanghai, combined with regional characteristics, made night economy an important part of building "Shanghai International Consumer Center City" and made great efforts to promote the night economy development of Huangpu.

(Night view of the Bund)

(Night view of the Bund)

  Establish a "night district head" and build a coordination mechanism for the development of "night economy"

  In April 2019, the "Guiding Opinions of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and other nine departments on promoting night economic development in this city" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions") was issued, and ten measures to promote night economic development were put forward.

  The so-called night economy refers to all kinds of legal business activities carried out in specific areas of the city from 7 pm to 6 pm the next day. It is an important part of the urban economy and an important starting point for expanding domestic demand, promoting consumption and creating employment.

  Up to now, among the 13 landmark nightlife gathering areas in the city, there are 5 seats in Huangpu District, namely Huangpu Riverside Bund Area, Xintiandi -FOUND158 Area, Yuyuan Garden Area, People’s Square Nanjing Road Area and sinan mansions Fuxing Park Area.

(Maple Trail on the Bund)

(Maple Trail on the Bund)

  It is understood that Shanghai learned from the experience of internationally renowned cities with developed night economy, such as London and new york, and researched and launched the system of "night warden" and "CEO of nightlife", while Huangpu District took the lead in implementing this system in the whole city, forming a pattern of coordinated development by the government and subjective initiative by market players.

  The word "night mayor" originated from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Due to the lack of urban management, Amsterdam’s nightlife was once plagued by negative effects such as noise, violence and garbage. In 2012, Amsterdam Night Mayor Foundation, a non-profit organization funded by the government and enterprises, set up the folk post of "Night Mayor", which is responsible for communicating and coordinating the relationship between the government, night business operators and residents and assisting the government in managing night activities.

  According to Wang Qiyang, Commercial Promotion Section of Huangpu District Commercial Committee, the "night district head" is the district head in charge of economy and commerce, and the relevant person in charge of the enterprise group in Huangpu District who has the resources, ability and willingness to actively develop the night economy is the "night life CEO" to assist the "night district head" in his work.

  Establish a common Council to activate the vitality of market players

  "In addition to ‘ Night warden ’ And ‘ CEO of Nightlife ’ In addition, Huangpu District also took the lead in setting up ‘ CEO of Nightlife ’ Communication and interaction platform based on — — "Huangpu District Night Economic Development Community Council", Wang Qiyang said that the establishment of the Community Council further released the vitality of the market and created conditions for the linkage and autonomy among market players.

  Hu Junjie, chairman of the board of directors of Huangpu District Night Economic Development Community, is one of the first five "Night CEO" in Huangpu District. Every time Fengjing Night Market is held on the Bund, he almost goes to the scene to learn about passenger flow control, check the quality of goods, collect customer feedback and understand the operation effect of merchants. Working overtime on Saturday and Sunday to "visit" the night market has become the norm in Hu Junjie.

  Hu Junjie introduced that the Community Council is a spontaneous organization between enterprises. After its establishment, the biggest feeling is that the work is "more efficient". "For example, traffic, parking spaces, local street management, etc., all of these problems were handled by their own enterprises. Each enterprise lacked effective communication before and the efficiency was relatively low."

(Firefighters on standby at Fengjing Pedestrian Street on the Bund)

(Firefighters on standby at Fengjing Pedestrian Street on the Bund)

  Nowadays, the Council of the Community holds regular meetings to collect the needs and suggestions of various market players and feed them back to relevant departments in time. "In fact, our market players have needs and the government helps ‘ Push ’ A handful of ",Hu Junjie said.

  “‘ Night economy ’ Our management innovation gives our business entities the opportunity to make breakthroughs in top-level policies. In the past, we had to approve almost every activity, but now we have the ‘ Green channel ’ The government can take our whole year’s activities into account under the condition that the big framework remains unchanged. "Hu Junjie introduced that since the government realized the normalization of the examination and approval system, it took his team less than two months to complete the planning and approval of the" night economy "activities in the past six months.

  Wang Qiyang introduced that in 2020, Huangpu District will give full play to the role of the Council of the Night Economic Development Community, and repeatedly convene night economic project contacts to connect with the organizers of various activities of the nightlife festival, creating conditions for the launching ceremony of the Shanghai Nightlife Festival, the launching ceremony of the Shanghai Bar Culture Festival and many key night economic activities to land in Huangpu.

  Strengthen the supply of policy services and do a good job in refined management.

  Fengjing Road is an east-west path only 150 meters long, connecting Zhongshan Donger Road and Renmin Road. Because it is close to the Bund, you can have a panoramic view of "Shanghai’s most beautiful skyline" on Fengjing Road. For this reason, the investment promotion of Fengjing Night Market on the Bund is particularly "strict".

  In some big cities in our country, the commercial areas and residential areas are "seamlessly connected", so the "night economy" often brings management problems such as noise, lampblack and garbage. How to correctly handle the relationship between "release" and "management", Huangpu District handed over an innovative answer sheet tailored to local conditions.

  Hu Junjie introduced that at present, some of the booths in Maple Path on the Bund are already merchants in BFC. In addition, since 2019, BFC has held weekend market activities every week, during which it has accumulated a certain number of high-quality merchants. "Before the launch of Maple Trail on the Bund last year, we had peer-to-peer communication with merchants and invited them to participate."

(Fire extinguishers are provided next to each booth)

(Fire extinguishers are provided next to each booth)

  The location of the Bund Maple Trail belongs to Xiaodongmen Street. According to Yu Yang, deputy director of Xiaodongmen Market Supervision and Management Institute, all the operators entering the market must have obtained the main qualification. "Before the activity, we must check the main business qualifications of each booth merchant, such as Business License and Food Business License, and check whether the projects that each booth merchant enters the market are within the scope of business projects specified in the license."

  In order to ensure the smooth development of the night economy, a number of relevant functional departments in Huangpu District carried out research on projects and activities and launched a series of policies. Faced with the difficulty of many merchants applying for licenses one by one, Huangpu District Market Supervision Bureau initiated the practice of "service+supervision"; The district fire brigade specializes in research on night economy to eliminate potential safety hazards, and so on.

  "The rule of law is the best business environment." Yu Yang revealed that the Huangpu District Market Supervision Bureau has explored a new working mode of "service+supervision". Taking the booth of Maple Path on the Bund as an example, every merchant who enters the market has to go through "qualification verification — — The process of publicizing information.

  In addition, Huangpu District Market Supervision Bureau has also formulated guidance opinions for "filing of food fairs", "market activities and construction of dynamic blocks", which has reduced the time cost of enterprises on the basis of strictly observing the bottom line of food safety and strengthening supervision after the event, thus promoting the further development of "night economy".

Shenzhen shines as "the crossroads of the world"

Jingbao News (Reporter Zhao Weijun of Shenzhen Newspaper Group) On December 18th, Beijing time, the latest Shenzhen city tourism propaganda film appeared on the Nasdaq screen in new york Times Square, attracting many pedestrians to stop and watch. In the 15-second video, Ping An Financial Center, China Resources Building, Civic Center, Nantou Ancient City, Wai House World Residence, Meisha Treading Waves, Wutong Yanyun and other most representative human landscapes, natural scenery and landmark buildings in Shenzhen appeared one by one, showing the infinite charm of this modern, international and innovative city.

Times Square is the most prosperous area in new york, USA. It is called "the crossroads of the world" and is the focus of global attention and media attention. As the year 2023 is coming to an end and the New Year is approaching, Shenzhen elements will dominate the screen here, making the world look at the East, which will not only make a great contribution to this city of science and technology and the capital of creativity, but also make the high-spirited urban spirit and sense of strength bloom in front of us.

What you can see in the promotion video is the ancient meaning of the poems and books handed down from ancient times around the house, the cultural memory of the ancient city of Nantou, the echo of Kunqu Opera strolling in the Garden Expo Park, the blue waves of boating in the Dasha River, the breeze of lotus leaves in Honghu Park, the magnificent beauty of the sea and the sky in Meisha, the unique beauty of China Resources Building, the bright sunshine of Ping An Financial Center and the rotation of the happy harbor.

In this 15-second fast-paced visual narrative, a vibrant Shenzhen is presented as diverse, three-dimensional and vivid. "She" sends an invitation to the whole world: Welcome to Shenzhen! Here, there is not only a high-quality business environment, but also a miracle with every struggler with dreams; There are also rich cultural tourism resources, which make people feel the fireworks and humanistic feelings in an immersive way; There is also a sincere, friendly and inclusive open attitude: mankind is a whole, the earth is a common home, dare to venture and try, share opportunities and create the future together!

The news that "Shenzhen Time" appeared in Times Square in new york got out of the street, and the video was simultaneously launched on overseas mainstream social media accounts, which triggered a warm response from netizens at home and abroad. As of the press release on the evening of 19th, the topic of "Shenzhen Shines at the Crossroads of the World" rushed to the hot search in Weibo, with nearly 10,000 hits on new media platforms such as Shenzhen Evening News client, headline number, People’s number, Penguin number and Netease number, as well as new media platforms such as Shenzhen, Reading Special, Reading Creative, SNG Greater Bay Area, English Shenzhen Daily, Shekou News, Bao ‘an Rong Media and Innovation Nanshan, and overseas social media such as YouTube and Facebook. Netizens shouted "Shenzhen is worthy" and praised Shenzhen as "a city that creates dreams", "young, inclusive, innovative and energetic" and "opening up will be full of vitality"! This video is even more about the friends circle of Shenzhen people. Some netizens said, "This is our treasure Shenzhen, which you can always trust. From the bustling city to the quiet coast, every corner is full of unique charm!"

If you have played one of these "five FC games", I will cut it on the spot.

At that time, I always thought that the game of red and white machines was "inexhaustible".

I have been exposed to many games in my childhood memory, including at my classmates’ home, friends’ home and relatives’ home. ……

At that time, we would discover some new games at any time.

Many years later, when we look through magazines, we will find that there are also a number of red and white machines. A player in Japan once collected all the genuine red and white cassette tapes, and it took nearly twenty years, which has to be admired!

Not to mention this perseverance, the price of these genuine cassettes is no longer affordable for ordinary players.

The number of red and white machines in that year was: 1267, which included the number of games officially announced and released by other machine platforms. If you add fake games, it is estimated that this number will have to be multiplied several times!

But what everyone doesn’t know is that in the era when red and white machines are popular, there are actually many games that are in the middle of development or have been developed but not released. Most of them are because the emergence of 16-bit computers interrupted the development plan, or the key core personnel left their jobs, which led to the inability to carry out the game in depth.

Today, Xiaobian will come with you to see which red and white machine games are "the middle road collapses"!

English name "Monster City Naga"

This game was IREM’s ambition! IREM, you don’t know who it is?

The core members and founders of SNK and CAPCOM are all "spun off" from this company. We are familiar with the distribution companies of Captain Hook, Violent Interpol and Ninja Baseball.

IREM has released a lot of works on the red and white machine platform, and the models are all fine works.

Such as: Fast Jay Gun, Jackie Chan Kicks the Pavilion 2, Strong Foreman, Little Superman Padou, Biography of Katy, Labyrinth Island and Underground Brave.

IREM games often don’t appear in the collection cards, either single cards or cassettes with fewer games such as 4-in-1, 3-in-1, 5-in-1, 7-in-1 and 6-in-1.

And this game, called "World of Warcraft", was obviously developed in that year, but I don’t know why it was not released.

From the information and pictures revealed in the game, we can see that the game is of JRPG type and the painting style is very good.

The combat mode was the most popular turn-based system at that time. The high-definition monster presented in this picture undoubtedly greatly increases the capacity of the game.

The wild scene of the game is no different from other RPGs, but it adds the time setting. Divided into day and night, the monsters encountered are completely different. There is also a difference between the falling experience value and the props and equipment.

In fact, there were many games that IREM gave up because of the departure of the backbone.

At that time, IREM planned to release two games in PCE, The Legend of Tianma Heroes and The Ultimate Journey, with a very high degree of completion. Even began to promote, but in the end it was not released. Let the players who are waiting hard suffer!

An RPG game that tries to surpass Zelda and The Brave Fight the Dragon. Look at the operation of the screen, this is a game that combines "The Brave Fight the Dragon" and "Mother".

It is estimated that you will not think that this game was originally made byIGSIt was released! The game designer once designed The Legend of Valkyria and The Legend of Valkyrie, so it can be judged that the quality of this game is definitely good.

How is the development progress of this game? Basically, it has been developed and entered the publicity stage before sales.

At that time, the TV station had begun to broadcast the video of the game, demonstrating the operation and play, and the players saw it and were gearing up.

Posters and instructions for the game also appeared.

It introduces the world view and background story of the game in detail, as well as the use of props and the weakness of monsters.

Regrettably, such a classic work was not released in the end, which is more or less regrettable!

However, if these out-of-print games are released now, it will be a good thing for those players who like to collect them!

Genjuu Souseiki, this should be the most regrettable game!

The time when the game released the propaganda screen was 90 years. At this time, it was the last peak period of the development of the red and white machine game!

In the game, players play gods, fight monsters with other gods, conquer and recapture the territory occupied by monsters. How do I feel that I saw the protagonist of The Snowman Brothers?

Because of its long history, the posters of that year have been somewhat blurred, but you can still see the game screen, which is very similar to the familiar RPG game.

The villains in the game, as expected, all look "fierce", and they will know at a glance that they are tough.

The game that Tecmo began to make in 1986 was publicized at every stage, but it was a pity that it was not released in the end!

Looking at the movements of the characters, I feel very similar to the ancient soldiers of the Alps! Is there any relationship between the two?

《A Nightmare on Elm Street》

This is a game that completely subverts the three views. If it was released that year, I really don’t know what the consequences would be.

Because the protagonist in the game is a perverted killer: Freddy, what you have to do is to use evil power and special ability to kill people in your dreams, and try every means to pester those who chase you before they chase you and burn you to death.

After killing everyone, Freddie was safe. Players can control the protagonist through lines and pipes.Yushu steetShuttle around, and you can cross to another room through the mirror.

Children have weapons in their hands, and some of them have "Dream Alter Egos". If they succeed before they wake up, there will be no trouble. But if they wake up, Freddy will be avenged and die.

It is said that some people felt unwell during the internal test at that time, and finally had to cancel the release plan of the game.

Shanghai Tourism Guide -iconic architecture


1. Oriental Pearl TV Tower

Located in Lujiazui, Shanghai, Pudong New District, full name Dongzhu Radio and TV Tower, 467.9 meters high, nearby Huangpu River, perspective with the Bund. The TV tower is the third tallest tower in Asia -and the third tallest tower in the world. Secondly, the Canadian National Television Tower and the OSTROKELET TV Tower in Russia, it is the iconic building of Shanghai -. Every year, the number of tourists and tourism revenue is second, and there are world -renowned tourist attractions. The sightseeing layer overlooks the scenery of the Huangpu River. The rotating restaurant can taste the food, and the space hat can be seen from 3D movies.


Business hours are 8: 30-21: 30, buses 81, 82, 583, 774 are like roads. Tickets are charging at a high level, and the price is very high.

2. Jinmao Building

Also known as Jinmao Building, located on the banks of Huangpu River, Shanghai, Pudong New District, echo and Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower, the building height is 420.5 meters. The eighth high building in the world. Shanghai’s business card, the structure of the Chinese and Western -style pagodas, especially from the ground 340.1 meters of 88th floor. For China’s second high sightseeing layer, more than 1 can accommodate 000 visitor. Looking around, extreme appearance, Shanghai’s new appearance is full of eyes. There are also various shopping, restaurants, hotels and other places in the building. If you are lucky, you can meet the challenges such as high -altitude skydiving.

Tip ●

The business hours are 10: 00-22: 00. Under the Lujiazui Station of Metro Line 2, bus 96, 119, 583, 607, 630 is available.

3. Shanghai Global Financial Center

Located in Lujiazui, Shanghai, completed on August 29, 2008. 492 meters high, 101 floors above the ground. It is currently the second largest building in China, the third building in the world, and the highest Pingding skyscraper in the world. It is one of the modern landmarks in Shanghai.

4. New paradise and earth

Located on NO. 181, Taicang Road, Luwan District renovated in the old district of Shanghai Shixoumen Building. This is the collection, business, entertainment, and culture of the catering industry. The history and cultural style of urban tourist attractions and leisure pedestrian streets and Shanghai.
