Tip: You can’t spray perfume on 5 parts of your body. There are 8 tricks for eye swelling.

  Editor’s note:In life, we will inevitably encounter all kinds of trivial problems. If you master some tricks, trick or two, you may be able to solve life’s problems.

  You can’t wear perfume in five places: your eyes are easily irritated and your hair will become dry.

  Reader’s Digest magazine in the United States summarized five parts that should not be sprayed with perfume.

  1. Eye area. Perfume contains alcohol, some even as high as 95%. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, and it is easy to cause a stimulating reaction after touching the perfume containing alcohol.

  2. hair. Although hair can naturally absorb odor, perfume containing alcohol will dry hair, especially if it is sprayed directly on hair. It is recommended to spray a small amount of perfume on the comb before combing your hair, so as to reduce the damage to your hair.

  3. hands. Perfume containing alcohol will dry the skin of hands and may cause chapping. Moreover, after the perfume is sprayed on the hands, it happens to rub the eyes, which will also stimulate the eyes.

  4. Axillary. Many people care about the smell of their armpits, but perfume will affect the normal operation of sweat glands in armpits, causing itching and burning pain, and may make the smell worse.

  5. Private parts. Similarly, spraying perfume on private parts can also cause dry skin. Especially for women, perfume can irritate the genitals, causing inflammation, itching and pain.

  The most suitable place to wear perfume is the part with active pulse, including the wrist, neck and the back of the knee. Spraying perfume in these heat-emitting areas is not easy to cause irritation to the skin. Skin sensitive person is best sprayed on clothes, perfume does not directly contact the body, and the fragrance lasts longer.

  There are eight measures to reduce swelling in eyes: eat less salt, apply cucumber and put a pillow … …

  American Reader’s Digest magazine summarized several methods to reduce eye swelling.

  1. Eye drops. Eye swelling is sometimes caused by allergies, and over-the-counter eye drops and antihistamines can be used. Antihistamines have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which can resist histamine released in allergic reactions.

  2. Change your diet. The most important thing in diet is to limit the intake of salt and alcohol. Regular consumption of colorful vegetables and foods rich in potassium (such as cabbage, cucumber, carrot, tomato and banana) can also eliminate swelling.

  3. Frozen spoon. Put two spoons in the refrigerator during the day and buckle them on your eyes at night. Doing so can cool the area around the eyes and play a role in reducing swelling.

  4. Apply wet wipes. Soak wet wipes in a mixture of cucumber water, lemon juice and green tea, and then put them in the refrigerator. After a few hours, take it out of the refrigerator, fold the wet towel and put it on your eyes for cold compress.

  5. Apply egg white. Break the egg, take out the egg white, leave it for a while until the egg white is slightly solidified, then carefully apply the liquid under your eyes with a brush, keep it for 5~10 minutes, and then wash it with warm water.

  6. Cucumber slices. Cucumber contains natural ascorbic acid and caffeic acid, which can reduce water retention. It also contains mild astringents, natural antioxidants and flavonoids, which can reduce inflammation. Iced cucumber slices have a better effect on reducing eye swelling.

  7. Apply tea bags. Apply two packs of iced tea bags to your eyes for 5~10 minutes. Antioxidants, tannins and caffeine in tea help to constrict blood vessels and tighten the skin.

  8. Cushion the pillow when sleeping. When sleeping at night, the pillow is raised to make the head the highest part of the body, which helps to reduce eye swelling.

  Why do you cough when you are stressed?

  Have you ever been nervous and kept coughing, cleared your throat repeatedly and still felt uncomfortable? This cough may be caused by psychological stress. Japan’s "Vitality Gate" website explains why.

  When sputum and other secretions are accumulated in the respiratory tract, or foreign bodies such as dust and dirt are inhaled, the passage of air into the lungs is blocked, and the sensor on the surface of the respiratory tract will report it to the brain after sensing it. The brain sends out the command of "cough" in order to expel the foreign body from the respiratory tract in time. It can be said that coughing is a "defensive" action to ensure the quality of human breathing. When we feel stressed, the autonomic nerves (sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves) in the body become active. The activity of sympathetic nerve leads to the relaxation of blood vessels and respiratory tract, and the pulse becomes faster; Parasympathetic nerves play a reverse inhibitory role, helping the body to restore its normal running rhythm. Once the stress is not relieved, the work balance of autonomic nerves will be disturbed, and the influence of parasympathetic nerves will often dominate. At this time, due to the narrowing of respiratory tract contraction, it becomes particularly sensitive to "foreign bodies" that are not usually felt, and it is necessary to cough them up. This is why I like to cough when I am nervous.

  Although a few coughs can temporarily relieve stress, if it is a habitual cough, it may also lead to some serious diseases if it is left unchecked. Some people usually have the habit of clearing their throats frequently, and feel that there is always a foreign body sensation in their throats. In this case, in addition to considering the psychological system factors, it is suggested that doctors should be consulted in time to check whether there are allergies, infections and other problems.

  Sleep soundly at chess at night.

  Britain’s "Top Health Network" published an article, summarizing three best methods that can make the brain have a good rest — — Playing chess, dancing and doing handicrafts.

  Play chess. Playing chess not only exercises the mind and pleases the body and mind, but also helps to cultivate people’s patience and carefulness, soothe the brain and give them a full rest. The study found that playing chess with the brain seems to increase the burden on the brain. In fact, playing chess not only uses the left brain, but also uses both the left and right brains. You don’t need to concentrate too much on playing chess, let alone rack your brains. The process of playing chess will make brain neurons connect faster, thus relieving anxiety, relaxing, prolonging attention duration and enhancing self-confidence.

  Dance. Dancing can not only keep healthy, but also improve sleep. Dancing with your body can put aside all your troubles, and living in the present will give your brain a full rest. Whether it is solo dancing in the living room or group dancing in the square, it can make the brain empty of distractions and be more beneficial to sleep. Dancing with beautiful music can also increase the secretion of calming and comfortable endorphins, make the brain calm down faster, and also help improve the quality of sleep.

  Do manual work. Mihaly csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist at Clairmont Research University in the United States, said that living in "flow" (completely focusing on a creative task) is the secret to a happy life. Weaving, bonsai, sewing and other creative and repetitive manual crafts have therapeutic effects on the brain and give it a perfect rest. Don’t worry about being a novice, because the process of manual creation, like many other activities, will bring you positive motivation and let your brain rest in a way similar to "meditation" or sleep. (People’s Health Comprehensive from Life Times)