Xiaomi Auto is on the market soon, and executives insinuate that Xiaomi Auto may play advertisements wildly.

[Text/Caiquan Society & Daoge said that the car listens to the wind] The unlisted Xiaomi car was ridiculed by friends.

Zhao Chunlin, vice president of Krypton, left a sentence in a blog post about "automobile ecology"-"It’s very lively, and I suddenly remembered the ecological scene: intelligent driving navigates to the highway intersection, plays an advertisement for 15 seconds, then leaves the intersection, switches driving modes during driving, and then watches the advertisement for 90 seconds, or, scans the code to pay? Indeed, the rice ecology is quite distinctive! "

Since 2021, Lei Jun has been building a car for three years, and the news that Xiaomi Automobile is about to release is also coming. Judging from the voice on the Internet, many people seem to be more concerned about the price of Xiaomi car. "99,000 friends" and "young people’s first car" just illustrate the expectations of netizens for the cost performance of Xiaomi car. However, what will lead to the price/performance ratio in netizens’ mouths? Zhao Chunlin’s teasing is not worrying.

"The comprehensive net profit rate of Xiaomi hardware will never exceed 5%", Lei Jun once expounded the values of Xiaomi. It is precisely because of this that Xiaomi’s ecological products have been successfully circled by virtue of their shocking cost performance, and they have been reported frequently in the market. Assuming that Xiaomi Automobile also adheres to the concept that the hardware profit rate does not exceed 5%, it is conceivable that the Xiaomi SU7, which has a battery life of up to 800 kilometers, excellent size and may have cutting-edge automatic driving ability, will have great lethality.

But before thinking about the success of Xiaomi automobile, it is even more necessary for us to understand why Xiaomi can reduce the hardware profit rate to this point. In addition to high cost performance, Xiaomi mobile phones, smart home appliances and other products have a remarkable feature, that is, advertising push is also rich. For example, at the beginning, the full-screen advertising promotion on the 21-inch big screen of Xiaomi Eco-chain Yunmi Refrigerator made Xiaomi a hit. At the same time, Xiaomi TV and mobile phone were also famous for product placement.

Some analysts believe that the product placement advertisement of Xiaomi has played a very important role, which is to share the cost of the product, reduce the purchase price of consumers, provide more cost-effective products, and benefit more consumers who pursue low prices. But will this set of roads be practical in building cars? The answer is probably no. With the rise of intelligence, advertisements have popped up on the car interface of many models before, and almost all of them are the brand’s own activities. But "surprisingly", car owners have almost zero tolerance for this kind of phenomenon: as long as you dare to hang advertisements, I dare to scold them.

If Xiaomi intends to improve the price/performance ratio in the form of product placement, there is a high probability that consumers will not be able to escape. Imagine that if Zhao Chunlin’s imagination really shines into reality, let alone Xiaomi, any manufacturer may not escape the fate of being spat by consumers. In this way, if Xiaomi provides consumers with cost-effective automobile products, it will be more difficult. But if you don’t fight for cost performance, what does Xiaomi have to win by building a car?

We should know that the market of pure electric cars, especially large and medium-sized pure electric cars, is not so good. Only a few models, such as BYD Han EV (parameter picture), Tesla Model 3, Extreme Krypton 001 and Weilai ET5, have good sales performance, and other models generally have no good results. Even, there are more roll kings emerging in this market segment-Yinhe E8, Xingtu Xingyue es, Jikry 007 … Moreover, considering Xiaomi’s cross-border identity, it can’t be said to be "far ahead" in terms of brand, background and even core technology.

Of course, Xiaomi has a perfect ecosystem, which can realize the interconnection between mobile phones, smart homes and cars. The OS system is even more eye-catching, and these valuable ecological assets will become the biggest competitive advantage of Xiaomi Automobile. However, the concept of "people-car interconnection" or "car-home interconnection" has been said for many years, but it may be really hard to find a successful case that can really promote the development of a car enterprise by "ecology".

In the author’s opinion, Xiaomi automobile has already lost the opportunity to enter the market with pure electric cars. In the automobile market with serious involution, Xiaomi automobile seems to have no effective method except picking up cost-effective weapons. However, it should be mentioned that it is not advisable for Xiaomi to improve the product cost performance in the form of product placement in the fields of mobile phones and smart home appliances in the automobile industry. Once Zhao Chunlin’s imagination falls on Xiaomi’s car, it will inevitably make Xiaomi’s car "criticized".

However, if you "post money to make friends", you need Xiaomi Auto to face huge profit pressure, and the price behind it is not affordable. If the cost can’t be shared by the sales volume in the future, the vicious circle of "continuously subsidizing money" is waiting for Xiaomi Automobile. As for the final consequences, Evergrande and Baoneng, which can afford it, have given reference.