I don’t even play golf! Trump just issued the latest threat on Twitter!

  Later on the 26th local time, US President Trump issued the latest threat, and tweeted that he had signed an executive order to protect American monuments, memorials and statues, and warned those demonstrators who destroyed it that they would face "long-term imprisonment".

  Trump wrote on Twitter: "I just had the privilege of signing a very powerful executive order to protect American monuments, memorials and statues and crack down on recent violent crimes. Sentence long-term imprisonment to those illegal acts against our great country! "

  Before this tweet, Trump posted an FBI wanted order earlier, which was related to protesters destroying the statue of President andrew jackson in lafayette Park on the 22nd. Trump wrote, "Many people have been detained, and many others are wanted for destroying federal property in lafayette Park. Ten years in prison! "

  After the wanted tweet, Trump then tweeted that he would spend this weekend in Washington to ensure that the "laws and orders" were enforced. He said, "I had planned to go to Bedminster, New Jersey, this weekend, but I wanted to stay in Washington, D.C. to ensure that the laws and orders were enforced. Arsonists, anarchists, robbers and instigators have been basically stopped … … I am doing everything necessary to protect the safety of our community and those people will be brought to justice! "

  The Hill reported that as the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey and other states continued to rise, which triggered new concerns about public health and economy in the United States, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut had previously announced that tourists from Arizona would be required to be quarantined for two weeks. When asked if Trump’s cancellation of the trip was related to the new restrictions in New Jersey, White House spokesman Judd Deere said that it had nothing to do with it.