Brush your ID card before buying fireworks and firecrackers.

  On January 30th, the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, fireworks and firecrackers in the Year of the Pig were sold in 37 retail outlets outside the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing. Different from previous years, on the first day of the purchase of real-name registration system in Beijing this year, many citizens had to "come back another day" because they didn’t bring their ID cards.

  Live experience

  Before buying fireworks and firecrackers

  Brush your ID card on the terminal first.

  Yesterday morning, Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw in the retail point of fireworks and firecrackers in Fengtai District that there are two "real-name purchase terminals" here. Citizens who come to buy fireworks and firecrackers need to swipe their ID cards on the terminals first, and then they can continue to buy after the information of the buyers is automatically entered into the system, but the whole process only takes a few seconds.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that most of the people who bought on the spot carried their ID cards, and some customers who didn’t bring their ID cards expressed their understanding after understanding the purchase requirements, saying that they would "come back with their ID cards in two days".

  According to the reporter of Beiqing Daily, there is only one panda fireworks left in Beijing fireworks and firecrackers wholesale enterprises this year. Since 2010, the sales of fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing have adopted the "electronic label" mode. Each box of fireworks and firecrackers of Panda Fireworks has an electronic label, and the origin, drug content and storage time of each product can be traced back. In this way, together with the purchaser’s information, in the Spring Festival of 2019, all the information of Beijing citizens buying fireworks and firecrackers from fireworks and firecrackers retail outlets can be traced back and inquired.

  Variety characteristics

  More than 90% are environment-friendly fireworks.

  Smoke is reduced by 50% compared with previous years.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Panda Fireworks Co., Ltd., during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Pig, the total stock of fireworks and firecrackers in Panda Fireworks Company was about 40,000 boxes, and the number of varieties reached 337, of which firecrackers accounted for 60% and fireworks accounted for 40% for the public to buy.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily saw at the scene that the retail outlets put the main products of the Year of the Pig such as "Flower Pig Dancing in Qingfeng Year", "Year of the Pig" and "Golden Pig Giving Happiness" in a conspicuous position. Classic medium-sized spray flower varieties such as "Hundred Flowers Blossom", "Coconut Grove Festival", "Fire Tree Silver Flower" and "Four Seasons Rich" continue to maintain the sales momentum in previous years. Linear incense products such as "happy green bristlegrass" and "one meter sunshine" are quite popular among young people and children. "I just opened the door today and sold half of the boxes," said the owner of the retail outlets in Fengtai District.

  At the same time, the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that the price of fireworks and firecrackers was basically the same as in previous years, regardless of fireworks or children’s toys, and the price of a thousand-ring whip was from 40 yuan to 42 yuan.

  In addition, the reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the products put into the fireworks market in Beijing this year are mainly firecrackers, spray flowers, thread incense, children’s toys and other products, more than 90% of which are environmentally friendly, and the smoke is reduced by 50% compared with previous years. Some thread incense products are cold fireworks with zero smoke and zero residue.

  Purchase tips

  Identify 37 points of sale

  The number of retail outlets for fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing this year has decreased from more than 80 last year to 37. Except that there are no retail outlets within the Fifth Ring Road of this city (including the Fifth Ring Road), the city sub-center is included in the area without fireworks outlets for the first time.

  However, although the sales outlets of fireworks have shrunk, the layout is more scientific and reasonable, ensuring that there is at least one outlet in each of the four districts of the city, including three outlets in Chaoyang District and one outlet in each of Haidian, Fengtai and Shijingshan.

  Consumers can see the distribution map of fireworks outlets in Beijing and find the nearest sales outlets through the "Sweep and Find the Shot Point" service of Panda Fireworks WeChat WeChat official account.

  Remember the purchase time.

  The purchase time of fireworks and firecrackers in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Pig is from January 30, 2019 to February 9, 2019, that is, from the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month to the fifth day of the first month.

  Forbidden areas should be distinguished.

  In 2019, the forbidden area in Beijing including the Fifth Ring Road was about 2,513 square kilometers, accounting for 15.2% of the city’s total area (about 16,485 square kilometers), an increase of 18.6% year-on-year. Daxing District, Yanqing District and Changping District have added forbidden areas. Daxing District has designated Tiangongyuan Street and Biomedical Base in and outside the Sixth Ring Road as forbidden areas, Changping District has designated all areas and urban areas in the Sixth Ring Road as forbidden areas, and Yanqing has designated urban areas and the World Expo as forbidden areas. The restricted discharge area is about 3614 square kilometers, accounting for 21.9% of the total area of the city. Other areas are dischargeable areas except the prohibited discharge points.

  The punishment is quite heavy. Don’t violate the rules

  According to the revised Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Beijing, individuals who set off fireworks and firecrackers in the Fifth Ring Road and other prohibited areas will be fined from 100 yuan to 200 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, the individual shall be fined from 200 yuan to 500 yuan. Units that discharge illegally will be fined up to 5,000 yuan.

  Remember this phone call

  Beijing Fireworks Office hopes that the general public will actively provide clues to expose illegal storage and illegal sales, eliminate potential safety hazards around them, and prevent the life and property safety of the surrounding people from being endangered. For those who report meritorious service, the public security organ will reward them according to the standard of "20 yuan per box, up to 20,000 yuan". Reporting telephone number: 110, 010— 62074289。

  Text/Reporter Ye Wei Photography/Reporter Wang Zhenlong